44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 37
Sára Tímár & Band Presented by Liszt Academy – 15th anniversary concert
Sára Tímár, an award-winning folk singer, founded her ensemble in 2009, which performs both traditional folk music and world music. The colorful program, selected from their released albums, authentically reflects their artistic journey, from original folk music sounds to reinterpreted sacred music arrangements and all the way to songwriter expressions. Their latest album, titled “Ének a határtalanról” (Song of the Boundless), features musical adaptations of poems and folk music arrangements. The “Népdallá vált Petőfi versek” (Petőfi Poems Turned into Folk Songs) album contains music set to the poet’s folklorized verses. “Református hálaének népzenével” (Reformed Hymn with Folk Music) showcases folk songs and hymns closely tied to church holidays, while the album “Minek nevezzelek...” (What Shall I Call You...) was inspired by Sára Tímár’s experiences collecting music in Transylvania. Finally, the album “Feljött immár az a csillag” (That Star Has Now Risen) reflects on notable days of the year.