44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 2010/1  

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“Folk Music Without Borders” on Hungarian Radio – MR1. This is a 55 minute program broadcast in Hungarian at Hungarian Radio ’prime time’: 1.05 p.m. every Sunday afternoon. The 100th program was recently aired (it started in October 2007). They focus on Hungarian folk music and music of other ethnic groups in the region, but are not limited only to folk music of the region. The program format includes interview with a selected relevant musical guest interspersed with lots of good folk music. It is repeated every Monday night at 11.05 p.m. and can also be accessed on the MR1 website. Program staff : Éri Péter, Vasváry Annamária, Vida Antal, Ménes Ágnes. Report by Henics Tamás.

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Literature: Pelva Gábor: "Bobby" – Part Two of a short story about a Hungarian folk band on tour in the USA. Now we are introduced to ’the average american policeman’ – through the eyes of a Hungarian folk musician. The policeman stops their van and checks documents all around. Finding the group extremely suspicious, he grumbles, then ecsorts them to the local venue of their next concert. The names have been changed to protect the innocent…but those who know, will know…

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Interview with folk musician Kerényi Róbert "Szigony"– Part One. Kerényi Robi plays Moldavian and Gyimes (Transylvanian) wooden shepherd’s flute. His connection to this particular music and instrument began in a Budapest dance house. At some point early on he made the decision to give up his job teaching at the college of engineering to focus on music. He first went to Transylvania’s Gyimes region to learn from the traditional flute players there in 1988. Ever since, his path has been focused entirely on traditional Moldavian and Gyimes wooden flute music, and on learning straight from the traditional musicians in those two regions. He has played with the Tatros and Szigony bands and was a driving force in the Gyimes and Moldavian dance houses at Budapest’s Marcibányi Square Cultural Center. He studied with Gyimes traditional fiddler Zerkula János (1927–2008) for 10 years. To be continued. Interview by Grozdits Károly.

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Interview with folk musician Kerényi Róbert "Szigony"– Part One. Kerényi Robi plays Moldavian and Gyimes (Transylvanian) wooden shepherd’s flute. His connection to this particular music and instrument began in a Budapest dance house. At some point early on he made the decision to give up his job teaching at the college of engineering to focus on music. He first went to Transylvania’s Gyimes region to learn from the traditional flute players there in 1988. Ever since, his path has been focused entirely on traditional Moldavian and Gyimes wooden flute music, and on learning straight from the traditional musicians in those two regions. He has played with the Tatros and Szigony bands and was a driving force in the Gyimes and Moldavian dance houses at Budapest’s Marcibányi Square Cultural Center. He studied with Gyimes traditional fiddler Zerkula János (1927–2008) for 10 years. To be continued. Interview by Grozdits Károly.

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Report on the 21st Folk Music and Folk Dance Festival that was held in the town of Sepsiszentgyörgy [Sfântu Gheorghe] in Romania on November 13–15, 2009. The event was organized and sponsored by the Lajtha László Foundation and the Háromszék Folk Dance Ensemble with a special theme honoring the memory and music of two traditional musicians from Kalotaszeg region of Transylvania: Berki ‘Árus’ Ferenc and Fodor ‘Neti’ Sándor. The Zurboló, Perkó and Háromszék dance groups performed as well as local tradition preserving groups from six villages in the Kalotaszeg region. A band and two dancers from the village of Szilágysámson [Şamşud] in the Szilágyság region of Western Transylvania were also performing guests. There was an audience of 1110 at the event, with 1300 people who particpated in the program. By Czilli Balázs.

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A Moldavian Soulseer – excerpts from the book on Jánó Ferenc Ilona, a Hungarian Csángó woman from Moldavia. From 1969 Kóka Rozália visited Ilona in the village of Lészped/Lespezi, Romania for 37 years documenting her visions. In Hungarian folk belief a soulseer is a person with supernatural powers, who can contact and bring news from the dead, and help with healing…". Ilona was nine when her mother died. She began having visions when she was 11. When she was 12 she saw Jesus. In a vision, Jesus gave her a bride’s ring that she would wear on the pointer finger of her right hand. She learns that if she doesn’t go to church to take communion, then her day seems as long as a year. When she goes to mass, her heart unites with Jesus and her day flys by like an hour, she feels secure and light. If she doesn’t go, she feels heavy and ill. Early on, she figured out that when she predicted bad things, people got angry with her. When her parents began to look for a husband for her, Ilona said death would be better than marriage and she tried to avoid ‘taking the hand’ of a young man. From the book by Kóka Rozália published 2006, L’Harmattan, Budapest.

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Old writings still interesting today – P. Vas János’ column – On Hungarian trees, plants, superstitions and folk cures - covering beliefs related to: linden, walnut, willow, turkey oak, birch, lad’s love, pepper, fern, belladonna, and other medicinal plants. "In old times people used the medicine they found in the grasses and trees, but they knew that illness is caused by evil and wickedness , and that only magic, charms and sorcery can truely prevent or undo such afflictions.” From the book by Fazekas and Székely. Magvető Kiadó, Budapest. 1990. (based on Szendrey and Szendrey’s dictionary of superstitions)

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Folk dance performance – 2009 December 14, Millenium Coffehouse, Szeged, Hungary. A small group of 8 dancers and 4 musicians got together to present an unusual and well-recieved program of dances, song and prose from Hungary’s Hortobágy region and the Kalotaszeg and Mezőség regions of Transylvania. See list of dancers and musicians in the Hungarian article. Report by Kukár Barnabás Manó.

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Vikár Béla – the Folklorist (Part 1.) Excerpts from the exhibition of photos and documents at the Hungarian Heritage House in Budapest from October 2009 until January 2010. The exhibition will be set up again at the Dance House Festival in Budapest March 27–28, 2010. Curators of the exhibition are Pávai István and Sebő Ferenc. It was sponsored by the Hungarian Heritage House and the Hungarian Museum of Ethnography. Vikár Béla was born 150 years ago. He began doing folklore collection work writing down folk tales and songs using shorthand from the end of the 1870’s. He was the first person in Europe to use the phonograph to record folk songs (1896). He recorded Hungarian folk songs and the folk music of other ethnic groups in the Hungarian territory. In this issue are some of Vikár’s own writings about his collection work, his ideas for organization of collections, his time studying in Finland and a letter from his mother telling about her own work collecting folk songs in Somogy County.

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5th Wedding Traditions Festival – Földes, Hungary November 27–28, 2009. An important traditional aspect of weddings here is the master of ceremonies – the Vőfély. This is the person who directs and leads the events of the entire wedding with an ongoing banter in traditional verse. Vőfély-s from all over the Hungarian language area meet and are documented at this event each year. This year they celebrated release of a book on the material collected to date at these events. The first in a series: Vőfély Traditions – Hungarian Plains. Published in Hungarian by the Karácsony Sándor Cultural Center, Földes, Hungary. 2009. Report by Juhász Erika.

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Literary column. In the short story here, the character ’Keresdi’ contemplates death in two situations: one fresh incident seen on a wet Budapest sidewalk and one in the past – the tragic death of a friend in a horse drawn wagon accident on a deserted country road perhaps in Transylvania. By Kacsirek Ottó.

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New recording: Music from the Kis-Küküllő River region of Transylvania – Bárdosi Ildikó (native of the region, now lives in Debrecen area) sings, accompanied by musicians from the region along with Molnár Miklós on violin and Mester László on viola.

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35th Anniversary – Nyírség Dance Ensemble, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. In November of 2009 this outstanding and celebrated amateur folk dance ensemble rose to the occasion with a superb gala show in their hometown in Northeastern Hungary. So many nationally acclaimed and simply great dancers, choreographers, choreographies and performances have come from this group over the years! Report and congratulations from Karádi Zsolt.

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Report on the 2009 Mendocino Folklore Camp, a folk dance camp in California. Printed here in both English and Hungarian. By Sue Foy (translated by Bede Judit).

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Reprint from quart.hu webpage – February 10th 2010. The London world music publication, Songlines Magazine, regularly sends out CD compilations of folk and world music from a selected highlighted country with its magazine. The February 2010 issue of Songlines included a compilation from Hungary. This writing outlines the process and background behind selections made for the CD and the conditions for inclusion on the compilation. The 6th paragraph of the article in Hungarian lists the artists who actually appear on the compilation.

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Kóka Rozália’s series on women’s life stories: in this issue is part one of Álmászt Bedroszian Kovách’s life story. Álmászt’s father was from Armenia, her mother was Hungarian. Álmászt was born in Szabadka [Subotica], former Yugoslavia in 1937. She was trained to be a professional singer and then sang all over Yugoslavia and Europe with the Yugoslav Army’s performing group. Later she was solist for Újvidék [Novi Sad] Radio. She married scientist Kovách Béla in 1957.

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Bittersweet / Édeskeserű – the argument continues. The debate began with Dreisziger’s bitter reaction (folkMAGazin 2009/4) to the Hungarian State Folk Dance Ensemble’s choreography that premiered last spring. More positive reviews have since come from local prefessionals. Here Dreisziger sticks to his totally negative reaction to this show. “...in this piece and the State Ensemble’s whole contemporary direction of work; music, dance and tradition serve merely as instruments of artistic expression [...] the relationship should be the other way around...”. Dreisziger mentions that programs like Zsuráfszky Sr.’s ’Martin Archive’ is more what he thinks the State Ensemble should be doing...

By Sue Foy