44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 1999/1  

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A short portrait of an elderly Hungarian shepherd flute player, Mr. Kocsis János „Bori” of the village of Szék (Sic) in Transylvania. By Soós János

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Thoughts in connection with the '98 Néptánc antologia Takács András, ethno-grapher from Bratislava (or „Pozsony” in Hungarian), reflects on the positive influence which the Hungarian folk dance movements have had through the years from the fifties to the present on the Hungarian, Slovak and even Czech folk dance movements in former Czechoslovakia and present day Slovakia.

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Kocsán László has compiled this essay on the tales told by hussars – the special troups of Hungarian cavalrymen. „..after lights out time the quarters officer in charge gave the shrill and irrevocable order, 'Look for a story!' to a different soldier each night. The soldier in question had to crawl around under the beds in his night shirt until such time as he was able to reply, 'I humbly report that I have found one!' Then he was allowed to get back in bed and tell his story, tale, joke, whatever he knew from home or had made up."

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Music, dance and handicraft summer camps A report on the Néptánc antológia '99 which was held at the Erkel Theatre and recreation center at Almássy tér in Budapest on Jan 23–24, 1999. Szigetvári József reviews of this two day festival of performances of selected choreographies by adult folk dance groups, children's groups and groups of authentic traditional dancers from specific towns across Hungary.

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Information, announcements

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Announcement of the third conference on folk music teaching at the Cultural Center in Gödöllő, Hungary on April 23, 1999 from 10: 30am – 6:00pm.

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There are two craftsmen named Tanka Tamás and Bárány Szilveszter who live in the town of Tapolca in southwestern Hungary who still make all kinds of shoes and boots for dance by hand. See article in Hungarian for the address and telephone number of their little store.

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Farewell to Szalóczy Miklós, died. January 5, 1999, age 49 years. He was a music teacher and folk musician, who amongst many other musical endeavors worked for nearly 20 years with the Jászság Folk Dance Ensemble in Jászberény. dr. Mrs. Horti Báthó Edit

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It's been ten years since the death of Bársony Mihály, hurdy-gurdy master craftsman and musician from the Hungarian plain. Here, some correspondence between him and Budapest folk musician Bártha Z. Ágoston has been printed as well as an announcement for the Hurdy Gurdy Festival in Tiszaalpár, Hungary from July 29th through August 1st, 1999. By Szerényi Béla.

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A review of the November 28th, 1998 evening performance of young singer, Bakó Kati and her friends in Kiskunhalas, Hungary, featuring songs, dance and music from both Transylvania and Hungary. The event marked the 10th anniversary of Kati and her family's move to Kiskunhalas from the town of Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc) in Transylvania. By Mrs. Szakál György

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Recent news about folk dance groups, bands, events, performances, festivals in Nográd County (northern Hungary) and across the border in southern Slovakia. By Hájas Tibor and H. Nagy Anikó

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Announcement of release of a new CD of arrangements of authentic village gypsy music from the Carpathian Basin and Balkan countries by the Romanyi Rota Ensemble. Released by Fonó Records of Budapest.

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Congratulations to Sebestyén Márta and members of the Muzskás Ensemble; Éri Péter, Hamar Dániel and Sipos Mihály, upon recieving the shared Kossuth Prize, highest state recognition and honour for contribution in the arts!

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Kossuth Lajos – national king Part VII. of the series on how Hungarian history is reflected in folklore. Here are citations of how two other key figures in Hungarian history (namely Mátyás and Rákóczi) have blended into the figure of Kos suth Lajos and how the story of Kossuth is related in folk legend, verse and song. By Juhász Katalin and Szabó Zoltán.

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Kossuth Lajos – national king Part VII. of the series on how Hungarian history is reflected in folklore. Here are citations of how two other key figures in Hungarian history (namely Mátyás and Rákóczi) have blended into the figure of Kos suth Lajos and how the story of Kossuth is related in folk legend, verse and song. By Juhász Katalin and Szabó Zoltán.

By Sue Foy