44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 1995/1  

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Anthology '94. Ernő Pesovár writes about the monumental, two day showcase of the folk dance choreographies chosen as the best of the year. The organizer emphasizes the role of the children's dance groups: „It appears that Kodály's disregarded dream will be realized after all; through the children's groups, the rising generation will be assured of that layer which will remain responsive to traditions.” Ferenc Tóth: choreographer from Kalocsa, received the Association for the Children's Folkarts Heritage award. Jolán Foltin reports on the opening dance performance of the Artist's Theatre on March 5th 1995, which honored this master.

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Ferenc Sólyom writes about the richness of the archaic Moldavian Hungarian dialect and his experiences when he visited the Hungarian Csángó people living outside the Eastern Carpathians.

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András Berecz, singer, story-teller; in a story by András Bankó tells, „Balázs Nagy brought slides from Szék into our class...schoolboys in blue vests, white shirts, and straw hats.. little girls with scarves tied under their chins. I asked if this really existed... Then he sang, 'a kapuba a szekér' (a cart at the gate) and I immediately memorized it. I was touched then."

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István Kiszely, the renowned anthropoligist in his work entitled „The Hungarian Origin” discusses possible directions for research on our ancient history, and the necessity of analysing Stanislaw Witkiewicz's thought, „Peoples who do not cherish and cultivate their traditions will disappear."

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An article about the Jártató Band and some trials they've had. Táncház in Marosvásárhely. Károly Horváth writes about diffi culties encountered in bringing the táncház into existence in this Transylvanian city inhabited by Hungarians.

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News from a dance group in Montreal, Canada. The Bokréta Ensemble's opening performance of Zoltán Farkas' choreography, „Our Customs” ("Hagymányaink")

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László Felföldi discusses researching the dance traditions of the peoples inhabiting the area of the Volga, Káma and Belaja Rivers, and the legitimacy and signifi cance of comparing them with Hungarian dance.

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"Requiem". Musical instrument craftsmen of the Southern Hungarian Plain and the Hurdy-Gurdy players who have died in the recent past. By Béla Szerényi.

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Abouth the Village House in Pomáz and the multi-cultural past and present of this town and its yearly „Meeting of the Nationalities". By Rózsa Bajovics.

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Táncház-es and folk clubs.

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The Fourteenth Tanchaz Festival and Arts and Crafts Fair. April 1–2.

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The Lajos Vass Folk Music Association has been formed.

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Music, dance and handcraft summer camps.

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News, advertisements and information.

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Writings about a German dance ensemble, a festival in Sárospatak and Mária Maczkó, new member of the Gajdos Band, The Kaláka Song Competition. Folk music publications.

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Tímea Nagy writes about Martenica, a Bulgarian–Hungarian dance ensemble.

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III. Budapest Folk Festival.

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About collecting experiences, as well as music. Lászó K. Tóth gives a humorous account about some of the Téka Ensemble's old adventures.

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Well-known professionals and teachers talk about things learned at The First National Folk Music Education Conference.

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The Potters' Center in Mátyásföld (Budapest). István Csupor writes about the new formation of the Dr. Mária Kresz Foundation. The expert of dance notation; in memory of the late Mária Szentpál. By János Fügedi.

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Linguistic column. Exposing the absurdity of newspaper abbreviations. Old Craftsmen – the coopers (barrel makers).

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Koprivštica, a festival which happens every five years. The Méta ensemble's music for theatre.

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In remembrance of the late Béla Balogh, Gypsy dance artist.

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The 1994 Zsiga Király Folk Arts Award. One winner: Anci Pál, Folk Artist.

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Tribute to the memory of György Martin; dance researcher, academician. April 21, 7:00 pm. at the Budapest Művelődési Központ.

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Katalin Juhász writes about spring customs, „Bathing on Good Friday."

By Sue Foy