English Table of Contents 1995/1
Page 3
Anthology '94. Ernő Pesovár writes about the monumental, two day showcase of the folk dance choreographies chosen as the best of the year. The organizer emphasizes the role of the children's dance groups: „It appears that Kodály's disregarded dream will be realized after all; through the children's groups, the rising generation will be assured of that layer which will remain responsive to traditions.” Ferenc Tóth: choreographer from Kalocsa, received the Association for the Children's Folkarts Heritage award. Jolán Foltin reports on the opening dance performance of the Artist's Theatre on March 5th 1995, which honored this master.
Page 4
Ferenc Sólyom writes about the richness of the archaic Moldavian Hungarian dialect and his experiences when he visited the Hungarian Csángó people living outside the Eastern Carpathians.
Page 5
András Berecz, singer, story-teller; in a story by András Bankó tells, „Balázs Nagy brought slides from Szék into our class...schoolboys in blue vests, white shirts, and straw hats.. little girls with scarves tied under their chins. I asked if this really existed... Then he sang, 'a kapuba a szekér' (a cart at the gate) and I immediately memorized it. I was touched then."
Page 7
István Kiszely, the renowned anthropoligist in his work entitled „The Hungarian Origin” discusses possible directions for research on our ancient history, and the necessity of analysing Stanislaw Witkiewicz's thought, „Peoples who do not cherish and cultivate their traditions will disappear."
Page 8
An article about the Jártató Band and some trials they've had. Táncház in Marosvásárhely. Károly Horváth writes about diffi culties encountered in bringing the táncház into existence in this Transylvanian city inhabited by Hungarians.
Page 9
News from a dance group in Montreal, Canada. The Bokréta Ensemble's opening performance of Zoltán Farkas' choreography, „Our Customs” ("Hagymányaink")
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László Felföldi discusses researching the dance traditions of the peoples inhabiting the area of the Volga, Káma and Belaja Rivers, and the legitimacy and signifi cance of comparing them with Hungarian dance.
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"Requiem". Musical instrument craftsmen of the Southern Hungarian Plain and the Hurdy-Gurdy players who have died in the recent past. By Béla Szerényi.
Page 12
Abouth the Village House in Pomáz and the multi-cultural past and present of this town and its yearly „Meeting of the Nationalities". By Rózsa Bajovics.
Page 13
Táncház-es and folk clubs.
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The Fourteenth Tanchaz Festival and Arts and Crafts Fair. April 1–2.
Page 18
The Lajos Vass Folk Music Association has been formed.
Page 19
Music, dance and handcraft summer camps.
Page 20
News, advertisements and information.
Page 21
Writings about a German dance ensemble, a festival in Sárospatak and Mária Maczkó, new member of the Gajdos Band, The Kaláka Song Competition. Folk music publications.
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Tímea Nagy writes about Martenica, a Bulgarian–Hungarian dance ensemble.
Page 23
III. Budapest Folk Festival.
Page 24
About collecting experiences, as well as music. Lászó K. Tóth gives a humorous account about some of the Téka Ensemble's old adventures.
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Well-known professionals and teachers talk about things learned at The First National Folk Music Education Conference.
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The Potters' Center in Mátyásföld (Budapest). István Csupor writes about the new formation of the Dr. Mária Kresz Foundation. The expert of dance notation; in memory of the late Mária Szentpál. By János Fügedi.
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Linguistic column. Exposing the absurdity of newspaper abbreviations. Old Craftsmen – the coopers (barrel makers).
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Koprivštica, a festival which happens every five years. The Méta ensemble's music for theatre.
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In remembrance of the late Béla Balogh, Gypsy dance artist.
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The 1994 Zsiga Király Folk Arts Award. One winner: Anci Pál, Folk Artist.
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Tribute to the memory of György Martin; dance researcher, academician. April 21, 7:00 pm. at the Budapest Művelődési Központ.
Page 32
Katalin Juhász writes about spring customs, „Bathing on Good Friday."
By Sue Foy

English Table of Contents 1995/2
Page 3
Article by László K. Tóth about Mrs. Barabás, weaver from Fejéregyháza
Page 4
Fügedi János reports on his dance collecting trip in Kalotaszeg. Béla Vikar started collecting folk songs with Edison's phonograph a hundred years ago. Recollections of Béla Vikár and his times by Katalin Lázár.
Page 5
Turkish folk music – Hungarian folk music. János Sipos reports on his collecting trip to Turkey and about the similarities of Turkish and Hungarian songs.
Page 7
András Bankó analyses the new Reading Book of Folk Songs by Ferenc Sebő.
Page 8
"Oroszország nem jó helyt van". László K. Tóth interviewed János Zerkula, fiddler from Gyimes, about his life, his youth, his family and his music.
Page 10
György B. Simon reports on last year's Festival of Nationalities in Zilah. Hungarian songs – from a Canadian point of view. The oughts of Endre Hivatal from Montreal.
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József Hamar introduces the Folk Arts Society of Ócsa and the „Kóbor” Handicraft Workshop
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Mrs. Illés, who received the Master of Folk Art award on 20 August 1995 talks about her life.
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Mesterségek Ünnepe Handicrafts Celebration: open air market and folk arts festival in the Buda Castle, 18–20 August.
Page 14
Dance Houses, Clubs
Page 19
News, announcements. List of Hungarian folk music groups.
Page 20
Csaba Pataky reports on a folk dance house in Vienna
Page 21
World music – Hungarian music. Article of László Matzkó, editor of the World Music program of the BBC Hungarian Broadcast. András Bankó introduces Bolot Birzshev, singer-musician, who arrived from Siberia.
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Erika Karácsony introduces the folk customs of Saint Istvan Day.
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Irén Koczpek collected diff erent articles about wine.
Page 25
The Hungarian Klezmer story. Article of Sándor Tímár (jr).
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Linguistics column. Old professions – bulbrush weaving.
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Articles about Jolán Foltin, folk dance teacher and choreographer, who received the Kossuth Award.
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András Bankó introduces the albums of the Ökrös and Zsarátnok Ensembles.
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Folk Arts Awards 1995.
Page 32
Zoltán Szabó writes about traditions during harvest.
By Sue Foy

English Table of Contents 1995/3
Page 3
The most, most, most: probably reflections on the Celebration of Traditional Handcrafts in August at Castle Hill, preserving traditions, craftsmanship and authenticity in today's world. By Bankó András.
Page 4
Our Party. The party thrown on September 9th at the Almássy Square Recreation Center, successfully marked the opening of the 1995–96 season. This is an annual event which began 6 years ago. Report by Berán István on how and why this year's party was a common eff ort of all the musicians who performed, the dance teachers, and the Táncházi Kamara.
Page 5
Collecting Tales in Pusztina. Kóka Rozália tells about her trip to Moldva (in Romania) where she went to collect tales last summer, continuing the work she had started there 17 years ago but had to give up because of the political situation. She includes here a tale about Christ and Saint Peter told to her by Mrs. László István, a 64 year old woman from the village of Pusztina.
Page 6
Maneszes Márton K. Tóth László interviews this Hungarian Transylvanian fiddler from the Mezőség village of Magyarszovát. Mr. Maneszes telis about listening to his mother sing, when he was a child, how her singing has influenced his music and how they differ from the gypsy music of the area. He describes learning to play by listening and watching, not by someone showing him what to do. He tells about some of the diffi culties that music has caused in his life at the hands of the previous government. Nevertheless he still says, „I have 5 or 6 professions and I like all of them, but I don't love anything like I love music".
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Romanian Mezőségi Dance Cycle Fügedi János writes about a trip in August to four Romanian villages to do research on dance. A group of twelve researchers led By Anca Giurchescu, from the Dance Research Group of the International Conference on Traditional Music (ICTM) took part in this collecting trip during which they were able to document the Romanian dance cycle of the area.
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Anniversaries Bankó András honors artists; Michel Montanaro, Makovecz Imre, Karsai Zsigmond, and others, on their birthdays.
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Bársony Mihály, Master Craftsman Th is „tekerő” (hurdy-gurdy) maker from Tiszaalpár, lived from 1915 to 1989. He played clarinet, citera and hurdy-gurdy. There are more than 200 hurdy-gurdies and countless citeras in existence that bear his name. „Misa had good hands, anything he picked up he did well, and it was something you could look at. He was a good person. This country could use a lot of people like him.” Recollections by his widow and late brother. Article by Szerényi Béla.
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Tradition and Quality The two day folk music festival held in July in the „Tabán” neighborhood of Buda organized by the 1st District Cultural Center, Farkas Zoltán, with the Muzsikás Ensemble as hosts, was even more successful than last year's trial run. The motto of tradition and quality led the organizers to performers such as Bulgaria's Trio Bulgarka, Transylvania's Palatkai Band, and Ireland's Andy Irvine (to name only a few), and will lead them to more treasures for next year's festival.
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Announcement „Fonó": a new music club opened in Buda (11th district, Sztregova utca 3) in November. This place has had concerts or clubs with folk; jazz or classical music every night since its opening. On November 7th the „Magyar Tekerőzenekar” (Hungarian Hurdy-gurdy Orchestra) opened this new club and plans to hold a „Padkaporos Bál” there every second Tuesday.
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Announcement for the 5th National Textile Conference. Békéscsaba, March 8–10, 1996.
Page 20
Announcement of formation of the „Folk Műhely” (Folk Workshop); an information center for musicians and dancers. See announcement in Hungarian for address, etc.
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"Fonóház” (Spinning house) Evenings – Again. On the same idea as the Fonóház evenings in Mosonmagyaróvár which were cancelled in 1992, Németh György has been asked to organize evenings for getting to know folk artists, crafts people, writers, musicians, and a host of others. As of October, these events happen on the last Monday of every month at the Magyar Honvédség Művelődési Ház in Budapest. Dec. 18, Tímár Sándor, choreographer. Jan. 29, 1996, Berecz András, folksinger.
Page 21
Táncház Association Because of changes in laws regarding „chamber” organizations, as of November 25th former „Táncházi Kamara” will continue its work under the title of „Táncház Egyesület” (Táncház Association) with Tímár Sándor as president. Announcement by Berán István, Official Representative, Táncház Association.
Page 26
The „Duda” (bagpipe). By Karácsony Zoltán. A short historical portrait of the bagpipe in Hungary starting with first written mention of the bagpipe in 1095 and ending with the last living traditional Hungarian bagpipe in 1095 and ending with the last living traditional Hungarian bagpipe player, Mr. Pál István of the Palóc region.
Page 27
Csillebérc Summer Camp Comments by Tóth Ferenc and Hortobágyi Gyöngyvér during the fifth annual camp organized by the Children's Folk Arts Heritage Association. The camp emphasizes folkdance and handles at least 200 children persession. By Bankó András.
Page 28
"Berki Ferenc Árus, the prímás of Méra and one of the key sources for much of the study of Hungarian folk dance, died in early November. The passing of Feri bácsi is a great loss to all who knew him and to all those who were privileged to have learned from him, yet his legacy will forever live every time a kalotaszegi legényes is danced or a fast csárdás is played.” Bob Cohen
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Succession The Sixth Táncház Festival in Slovakia was held on October 21 in Rév-Komarom and was organized by Slovak Hungarian Folklore Federation. There were young musicians from both Slovakia and Hungary, as well as traditional performers from Slovakia and also Transylvania. Three bagpipe players from three diff erent areas, guests of Juhász Zoltán, were a high point. But perhaps the most exciting was Mikó Attila, a ten year old story teller who provided reassurance that traditions are still being passed down from father to son. By Bankó András
Page 30
Hungary's Greek Minority, Past and Present A brief history of the Greeks in Hungary starting with the greek merchants in the 16th century continuing up to the largest present community in Beloiannisz. Explanation of the historical events behind the two greek holidays that are celebrated, March 25th and October 28th, and information about folk music and dance ensembles. By BLG
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How We Organize a Festival... This article begins with the observation that playing music in Hungary requires having the appropriate credentials, whereas organizing festivals apparently doesn't... By Vitányi Iván Jr.
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Comments on language (Hungarian) and (over)use of (the word?) „okay". By Bankó András.
Page 32
Ökrös II–IV. The Ökrös Band was in Falun, Sweden this past summer performing at a music festival with Fodor „Netti” Sándor, 73 year old master fiddler from Kaloteszeg area of Transylvania. They were extremely well received. Ökrös Csaba and his band have recently put out a new CD entitled „Hippoglassus". They expect to release another CD of 24 „Hajnali” (daybreak) tunes in March '96, and have plans for a fourth recording in the near future. By Bankó András.
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Review of Bekecs Ensemble's new recording. Bankó
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"Ködnevelő idő” Review of this recording of Bakos Árpád accompanied by the Téka Ensemble. Bakos Árpád is from Vajdaság, the area of northern Serbia with a large Hungarian minority. By Bankó András.
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New Los Andinos CD. Interview by Bankó András with Tárnok Ákos about Los Andinos Ensemble's CD, „Flor del desierto". Tárnok tells about a trip to the Andes in 1994 to collect music which became the material on this new CD. The recording includes melodies from four countries of the Andes, played by six musicians from Székesfehérvár.
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Táltos Ensemble's new cassette came out in November. Reviewed by Bankó András. „The group is getting ever closer to the wizardry or magic which they are named for; not as much for the renditions of traditional tunes on this new recording, as for their experimentations and search for new paths..."
Page 34
What's a Dancer Worth? A personal account of the history of the „Háromszék Folk Dance Ensemble” of Sepsiszentgyörgy, Transylvania, by Könczei Árpád, founder of the ensemble and director until March 1995
By Sue Foy