44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 2005/1  

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Széki Soós János writes about „Farsangolás” in Szék – memories of the pre-lenten (carnival) season.

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Report on the Ifjúforrás Dance Ensemble's tour to Venezuela 2004 Nov. 14 – Dec.4. By Szigetvári József

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3rd CIOFF World Folkloriada 2004 August 12–22. Hungary 2200 Folk dancers and folk musicians from 72 countries were hosted by 1600 Hungarian folk dancers and musicians. The festival opened in the city of Pécs and then continued with 228 performances in 54 communities in Hungary. Closing ceremonies and performances were held in Budapest on Aug. 22nd. Excerpt from the speech given by Mádl Ferenc president of the Hungarian Republic: „... through the preservation of their own culture, the peoples of the world enrich not only themselves, but one another and all of humanity.” Report by Héra Éva – director of the festival, Hungary's CIOFF representative

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Tuticum is the name of a pub in Debrecen (in Northeastern Hungary). Every Wednesday is „folk-Wednesday” at the Tuticum. Though not a „dance house” as such, most often there is live music, space for 3–4 couples to dance should anyone be in the mood and an atmosphere where people who happen to be in the area and like Hungarian traditional music can drop by. Further information contact owner – Tóth Ottó 36-30-219-9111.

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Remembering the late Varga Gyula – former leader and choreographer of the Debrecen Folk Ensemble. Mr. Varga's funeral was on January 7th. Last year he celebrated his 80th birthday. He was originally from the town of Kismarja and was a leading force in traditional and cultural life of Debrecen and Kismarja. By Falvay Károly

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Yearly meeting of the Heritage Children’s Folk Arts Association – Held in Szászhalombatta on January 9, 2005. There were 98 members present for the two day meeting. This association is involved in organizing and supporting professional programs, camps and festivals for children with organization of the yearly Anthology of Children’s Choreographies Festival as one of the main events. The main focus of this year’s meeting was to adopt a new structure for the Association which was formed in 1990 with 30 groups as members; now there are more than 200 member groups. The members voted for the new structure which is to be implemented by April 30, 2005. Report by Szigetvári József

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Report on the Kalamajka Ensemble's concert at the Institute of Hungarian Culture in Vienna on January 14, 2005. By Henics Tamás

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Report on the September 2004 ethnographic study trip to Slovakia organized by the Hungarian Heritage House for 40 folk craftspeople (weavers, embroiderers, ethnic costume makers), lead by ethnographers Borbély Jolán and Mrs. Méry József. By Mrs. Sereg Mátyás, Mrs. Gulyás Antal

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Report on the September 2004 ethnographic study trip to Slovakia organized by the Hungarian Heritage House for 40 folk craftspeople (weavers, embroiderers, ethnic costume makers), lead by ethnographers Borbély Jolán and Mrs. Méry József. By Mrs. Sereg Mátyás, Mrs. Gulyás Antal

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The Hargita National Székely Ensemble from Csíkszereda, Transylvania performed in Budapest at the Millenáris Center on December 12, 2004. Christmas customs were included in the program of dances from Gyimes to the Alföld. Report by Záhonyi András

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Collection work in the Jászság region – Jászság verbunk An event summarizing the results of the collection project on the Jászság verbunk will be held at the Hungarian Heritage House in Budapest on May 28–29, as the final program in the the „Dance Heritage of the Carpathian Basin” series. Kocsán László

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Book on the costume of Hungary's Jász people – by ethnographer H. Bathó Edit Published Dec. 2004. 168 pages includes photos, drawings, historical development of Jász costume from the 13th Century settlement of the Jász people in Hungary, up to the present.

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Bárdosi Ildikó – concert 2004 December – in Debrecen Traditional Hungarian music, laments and ballads from her recording of music from the Kis-Küküllő region of Transylvania. Also performed at the concert (as well as on the record): Fábián Éva, Juhász Zoltán, Juhász Erika, Dsupin Pál, Molnár Miklós, Mester László, Pénzes Géza, Hetényi Milán and others. Report by György-Horváth László

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Announcment of publication: „Selected studies on folklore and tradition” Hoppál Mihály Gondolat Kiadó – European Folklore Institute Budapest, 2004. 193 p., 2.490,– HUF

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Announcing a new publication. Váradi Péter Pál: A photographic chronicle of Transylvania – Kalotaszeg region. In three languages (Hungarian, German, English). 2004. Abkarovits Endre

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Announcing release of a new Hungaroton Classic CD Other Side (Túlparton) – „Art Music and its Folk Roots” – Fonó Ensemble, Szabadi Vilmos (violin) and Gulyás Márta (piano). „This recording presents the melodic paralells between authentic folk music and Bartók's works, as well as the instrumental virtuosity characteristic of in both musical worlds...” By Agócs Gergely

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Part II. – Somoska village week in Hungarian Moldavia. 2004 August 1–8. Report by Bolya Mátyás

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Abdalla Bitar Dance Ensemble from Syria. When the Tabán Serbian Dance Ensemble participated in a festival in Turkey in July 2004, Avar Panni met and became friends with the Syrian Ensemble. When the group invited her to join them for 10 days on tour in Greece, she accepted their invitation and then one of the girls in the ensemble invited her to Syria. Some of Panni's observations about the group, on being amongst another culture and her time in Syria are summarised here. Photos of the Syrian ensemble are included.

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Darmos István muses on the ancient magic power in the old traditional New Years greetings and the „folklore” of New Year's messages sent nowadays by SMS.

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A collection trip to Gyulafirátót with folk tales researcher, Kovács Ágnes Gyulafirátót is a village near the town of Veszprém in the Bakony region of Western Hungary. By Kóka Rozália

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Part four: Halmos Béla's memories of Ádám István „Icsán” – prímás from Szék On the last visits with and recordings made of Icsán before he died in August of 1980, and about the funeral. Transcribed by K.Tóth László

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Interview: Árendás Péter – musical director of the Budapest Ensemble, viola (aka: kontra, brács) player in the Tükrös and Gázsa bands, teaches music, producer-musical director for recordings, music publications. By Abkarovits Endre

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A discussion of bagpipes with and without drone pipes – article takes into consideration bagpipes from all over Europe and beyond. Bibliography included. By Kozák József

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Part III: Digitalizing sound material. The third part of a technical description on the specifics of digitalizing recordings. Discussed here are: cables, shading, symetrical and asymetrical systems, types of jacks, sound cards, software, sound forges, etc. By ifj. Vitányi Iván

By Sue Foy