44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 2012/1  

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New CD: Mátraalja a hazám [My Home the Mátra]. Shepherd’s music from Hungary’s Mátra region. Novák Pál – voice, wooden flute, clarinet, tarogato. Dsupin Pál – voice, wooden flute, flota, zither. Novak Pál (1940) is a traditional musician born into a Hungarian shepherd’s family.This is a recording of music he learned from his family. Includes archival recordings of Novák Pál Sr. Produced and released by Dsupin Pál, 2011.

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Novák Ferenc Tata’s Letter to leaders of the Hungarian Alliance of Dancers. This letter addresses the issue of dwindling support for independent contemporary dance troupes in Hungary. Tata urges: "Do not accept a situation wherein the work of talented artists who think differently cannot appear on stage! I simply don’t believe that art can develop [in a vacume] - without something to compare with." Tata cites previous choreographic work of Györgyfalvi, Foltin, Szigeti, Timár, Kricskovics and Galambos. He also urges the Hungarian Academy of Dance to strengthen its curriculum in general artistic knowledge and foreign languages. Budapest. July 4, 2024

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Kóka Rozália’s children’s column: Two tales from Pétër László’s book of Hungarian Székely stories from Voivodina. The Szekeli Outlaws – is about two mischievous boys that were always getting into trouble. One day they decided to run away and become outlaws. They spent a fine day doing this until it began to get dark and they realized that they wanted to go home... The Bread Trick – about a clever, playful boy who was sent to the bakery every morning to get bread for the family. He devised a spectacular trick of throwing up the loaf bread and then running in the gate in time to catch it. He would perform this trick for the passers-by until one day when rival children fixed it so he couldn’t get in the gate. The bread fell into the mud and he got a whipping when he got home. The moral: don’t make a plaything of Christ’s body, God’s gift.

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New publication Pétër László: Kërësztapám nadrágja [My Godfather’s Trousers]. Voivodina Hungarian Cultural Institute. 2011 Zenta [Senta], Serbia. In Hungarian. A book of Hungarian Székely folk tales and stories remembered and illustrated by Pétër László, who grew up in the Voivodina region of Serbia. This review provides historical information on Hungarian Székely people who settled in the Voivodina in the late 1800s. Review by Kóka Rozália.

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What Is The Dance House? “…the answer is simple: it’s when a band plays, and the audience dances folk dances. That’s all.’ If it could only be that simple [...] for once and for all the last forty years should be analyzed [...] to establish clear, understandable ideas that would be understood by everyone in the same way. [...] Since Hungary’s dance house teaching method got onto UNESCO’s list of intangible world heritage it has become clear that something is wrong in the dance house movement here at home. [...] We must turn to [the disciplines of ] anthropology and psychology for help in understanding what it is we are doing at the dance houses [...] the dance house movement is in a marketing, professional and leadership crisis...” Excerpts from a book in progress by Németh György.

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New Publication: Magyar Néprajz [Hungarian Ethnography] I. 1. The region, people, history Editor: Paládi-Kovács Attila Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 2011. This book completes the 9 volume Hungarian ethnography series published between 1988 and 2011. A total of 8330 pages/the work of 115 authors. In Hungarian. ISBN 978 963 05 9184 3 (I.1.)

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Collection work in Arad / Bihar Counties – Western Romania Inspired at first by family ties in the area, this Hungarian collector has been documenting traditional dancing in villages in the region for 10 years. This article deals with the Romanian dances. See article in Hungarian for names of dances and Hungarian names of villages where he has done filming. Also includes information on music and musicians. By Farkas Tamás, reporting on his own work.

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Novák Ferenc Tata Has Died "…the public Novák Tata never spared himself, or his environment…He believed that if folk dance is put on stage then it must change the world - from the begining he insisted that it wouldn’t work without a message …I saw him as a European citizen…with colleagues from Slovakia or Romania he considered this region to be OUR Carpathian basin….He was an ethnographer, did field collection work; he was the analytical type, he formed opinions, he moved people to action, he was a dancer and a contemporary - and perhaps even the best choreographer til now." Excerpts from the obituary by Grecsó Krisztián. First published in "Élet és Irodalom" 34. 2024 Aug 23.

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Novák Ferenc Tata Has Died "…the public Novák Tata never spared himself, or his environment…He believed that if folk dance is put on stage then it must change the world - from the begining he insisted that it wouldn’t work without a message …I saw him as a European citizen…with colleagues from Slovakia or Romania he considered this region to be OUR Carpathian basin….He was an ethnographer, did field collection work; he was the analytical type, he formed opinions, he moved people to action, he was a dancer and a contemporary - and perhaps even the best choreographer til now." Excerpts from the obituary by Grecsó Krisztián. First published in "Élet és Irodalom" 34. 2024 Aug 23.

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Letters from Rome As post script to the three part series on the life of Szőnyi Zsuzsanna, here are excerpts from, and announcement for a new book: Levelek Rómából. Pest County Museum Directorate (PMMI) publishes letters written by Szőnyi Zsuzsanna and her husband (Triznya Mátyás) from Rome, to their parents in Hungary between 1949 and 1956. Announcement by Kóka Rozália.

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New Publication: Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hungary Editor: Hoppál Mihály. Guest editor: Gebauer Hanga. European Folklore Institute, 2011, Budapest. ISBN: HU ISSN 1585–9924 In English. Includes articles on: falconry, Matyó folkart, mutton stew, pottery of Mezőtúr pottery, lace making, folk arts of Kalocsa region, winter carnival tradition in Mohács. Announcement by Halák Emese.

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Hungarian folk kitchen: Cultural history and tips on preparation and preservation of homemade Hungarian sausages, head cheese, and liverwurst. The piece begins: “During my childhood in Békes County [...] our family slaughtered a pig only once a year...” By Juhász Katalin (includes bibliography).

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Székely traditions – Part 1. The inspiration for this college diploma project towards a degree in the department of education, sociology, and Rom language at the Apor Catholic College in Hungary has been this student’s desire to explore her own Székely heritage. In this section of the paper we read about: Székelyföld’s location within Transylvania and Romania; Székelyföld as an ethnographic region; who the Székely people are (…Hungarian speaking Hungarians who are not willing to deny their Hungarianness…whose main lifestyles are traditional alpine animal husbandry, forestry, farming); and about traditional Székely celebrations of the fall season. To be continued. Includes bibliography, list of sources. By Simó Ilona 2024.

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Széki Soós János’ literary column: Encounters With Folk Music. Excerpts from Fodor András: Futárposta. Szépirodalmi könyvkiadó, Budapest.1980. Fodor András (Kaposmérő, 1929 – Fonyód, 1997) was a Kossuth award winning poet, writer, literary translator. He was also a music critic. Born in a tiny village in Hungary’s Somogy County, he went to school in Kaposvár, then to university in Budapest. He travelled the country and abroad. Excerpts here touch on folk music, the zither, the work of Vujicsics Tihamér, and many other things.

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Report on an intensive workshop on dance research held December 5–9, 2011 in Szeged, Hungary. Organized by the ethnography and Hungarian ethnochoreology departments of Szeged University, the dance research department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the Hungarian Ethnochoreology Association. This was an intensive course offered to Hungarian BA, MA and PhD students in dance research and dance education as an opportunity for intensive work on current problems and tasks in those areas. The workshop was an outgrowth of a similar course attended by ERASMUS program participants in Trondheim, Norway. See report in Hungarian for names of those who gave presentations. There were more than fifty participants. By Kukár Barnabás Manó.

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Short stories of a folk dance teacher. By Gőbölös Gábor.

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Beliefs and Superstitions of Szék (Sic), Transylvania. From the writings of Kocsis Rózsi, published by Juhos Kiss Sándor, Juhos-Kiss János. Kocsis Rózsi (born in Szék 1932, died 1999) began writing down memories of her life in her old age. This time we read about beliefs surrounding prayers before going to bed at night and getting up in the morning, Saint Bartholomew’s Day (the day when the Tartars invaded Szék) and what Rózsi imagined about the evil “dog-headed Tartars” as a little girl.

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Photographer Kása Béla – Exhibition: 40 years of Legendary Transylvanian Musicians - 2024 August at Budapest’s Kobuci Kert in Óbuda. This is an interview done at the opening of the exhibiton. Kása Béla talks about travelling to Transylvania to photograph since 1973. This exhibition presented mainly photos of 3 generations of the famous Kodoba family dynasty of traditional Roma musicians in the village of Magyarpalatka/Pălatca, in Kolozs/Cluj County, Tranyslvania (Romania). Quoted here are the words of Hungarian filmmaker Szomjas György: "Béla’s photographs are not just about the exotic or the poverty, he is capable of seeing the nobility in this lifestyle…He raises these people and places to a new kind of aesthetic". Interview by Nagy Krisztián - first published in "Papageno" 2024 July 30.

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Programme of House of Music.

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A short story about a bagpipe player from 1881. – Part I. By Mikszáth Kálmán.

By Sue Foy