44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 2015/1  

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Remembering Ertl Marika (1936–2014) of the town of Litér in Western Hungary. She was a dedicated teacher who taught folk song and dance to countlesss generations of children, founder of the Zöldág Folk Dance Ensemble and member of the Heritage Childrens Folk Arts Association. Eulogy by Foltin Jolán, choreographer.

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HB – Long Farewell to Halmos Béla – a documentary film honoring the late Halmos Béla, a founder and leader of Hungary’s dance house movement. Premiere showings of the film were held at Hungarian Heritage House in Budapest on January 22 and 23, 2015. Béla worked for over 20 years on a series documentary portrait films on traditional Hungarian musicians. This film tribute to Béla was made by his colleagues in that project. Director: Szomjas György. Producers: Rosta Katalin, Jantyik Csaba. Review by Abkarovits Endre.

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Publication: Celebrating ethnomusicologist Almási István’s (b.Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca 1934) 80th birthday and life work, a volume of new studies in folk music, folk dance and ballad research by 25 of Almási István’s former colleagues and students has been published. Almási was a key member of the Romanian Academy’s Kolozsvár Folklore Institute for 50 years. He added nearly 6000 melodies and transcriptions to the archives and countless publications, including his monography on the Szilágyság region. Announcement by Salat-Zakariás Erzsébet.

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Part II. Conversation with Salamon József, parish priest in Gyimesbükk, Romania. Salamon József has served in an impressive number of communities in Transylvania over the years: Brassó-Bolonya, Gyergyóditró, Szászrégen, Óradna (in Beszterce County) from where he travelled to the villages of Magyarnemegye and Kisilvár to hold mass. In 1997 he was transferred to Gyergyóhodos, then in 2004 to Gyimesbükk where he also works in his community to help protect the ethnicity of and raise awareness within this Hungarian ethnic group living on the outer edges of the Hungarian language area. By Kóka Rozália.

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Interveiw with Nagy Gusztáv – journalist, writer, teacher of Gypsy language and literature at Kalyi Jag Institute and Vocational and Arts School. Nagy Gusztáv has translated the works of many important Hungarian and other European writers into the Gypsy language. ”...there is hardly anyone who can read these. I ask myself who am I translating for? When I don’t find the answer, I get bitter and sad. I try to encourage my students to learn their own language, but they aren’t really interested.” Interviewer: Grozdits Károly.

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Kóka Rozália’s new column presents selected stories from Keresztapám nadrágja – a book by Péter László who wrote down humorous stories he heard from his relatives in his childhood growing up in a community of Székely Hungarians that had been expelled from Bukovina at the beginning of the 1940s, and resettled in Northern Serbia. These are stories of the hardships of resettlement in a new land – told with the Székely bitter-sweet sense of humour.

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Publication: Széki Lakodalom [The Wedding in the Transylvanian Village of Szék] Edited by Árendás Péter. Hungarian Heritage House. 2015. In Hungarian. Book with CD ROM. Includes extensive bibliography. Presents a detailed account of the wedding customs and a collection of previously published studies on the history and folk customs of Szék.

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Publication: Jagamas János népzenei gyűjteménye [The folk music collection of Jagamas János] Edited by Pávai István and Zakariás Erzsébet. Published by cooperation between: Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Musicology – Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Hungarian Heritage House. 2014. Book and DVD ROM in Hungarian, Romanian and English. Jagamas’ collection was amassed between 1940 and 1950 and consists mainly of Hungarian folk music from Romania: 7236 melody variations, 3036 sound clips.

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Publication: Jagamas János népzenei gyűjteménye [The folk music collection of Jagamas János] Edited by Pávai István and Zakariás Erzsébet. Published by cooperation between: Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Musicology – Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Hungarian Heritage House. 2014. Book and DVD ROM in Hungarian, Romanian and English. Jagamas’ collection was amassed between 1940 and 1950 and consists mainly of Hungarian folk music from Romania: 7236 melody variations, 3036 sound clips.

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Hurdy Gurdy Instruction in Hungary. The hurdy gurdy has been part of European culture since the Middle Ages. It is known all over Europe. This is a discussion of teaching and learning hurdy gurdy as one of Hungary’s traditional folk instruments. Includes quotes from Sebő Ferenc, Szerényi Béla, and Bársony Mihály and bibliography. By Patonai Bátor.

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22nd National Solo Folk Dance Competition – Békescsaba, Hungary – January 10, 2015. This is a serious juried competition held every two years in Eastern Hungary. Contestants spend many hours practicing and learning to dance the compulsory traditional dance sequences. Some dancers return and compete several times before finally being chosen by the jury as winner of the ’golden spur’ or ’golden pearl’ of folk dance excellence. Several-time winners earn the eternal golden spur or pearl. This year’s winners and jury members are listed in this issue. The article discusses some obstacles posed by modern life for attaining this kind of excellence in folk dance. By Kovács Norbert „Cimbi”.

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Farewell to singing teacher, folk song competition organizer Nits Márta (1955–2014). She spent her life teaching in Budapest; 15 years at Hunyadi János School, 13 years at Erkel Ferenc School and until her death at Kandó tér Elementary School. She was known amongst her colleagues for her tireless work, dedication and quiet, humble service. Obituary by Juhász Katalin.

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The Republic of Bashkortostan, also known as Bashkir (Başqortostan Respublikahı) or Bashkiria; is a federal republic of Russia, located between the Volga River and the Ural Mountains. The capital city is Ufa. The Bashkir language belongs to the Kypchak branch of the Turkic languages. Hungarian ethnographers Szabó Zoltán and Juhász Katalin recently had the opportunity to visit this country. Though there are no scientifically proven direct genetic or cultural connections between the Hungarians and this ethnic group – during their visit to the capital city our ethnographers were struck by many familiar impressions and similarities between the Hungarian and Baskir cultures and languages. By Juhász Katalin.

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Traditional Hungarian Kitchen – Fánk is the Hungarian version of the doughnut (deep-fried, yeasted sweet dough). By tradition this sweet is usually made in Hungarian communities in winter during the carnival season. Offered here are five different fánk recipes. By Juhász Katalin.

By Sue Foy