44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)



English Table of Contents 2007/1  

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Printed here is Jánosi Zoltán’s speech given on January 21, 2007 in the town of Nagykálló (in Northeastern Hungary) in celebration of National Hungarian Culture Day, the Hungarian National Hymn and its composer Kölcsey Ferenc who was from the nearby town of Szatmárcseke.

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The 16th International Christmas Traditional Bethlehem Pagent Play Festival was held on December 15–17, 2006. This is the first time this festival has been hosted by and held in the town of Debrecen, in Northeastern Hungary. 500 participants arrived from every part of the Hungarian language area to perform their local versions of this traditional custom... Report by Juhász Erika

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The Szekszárd Folk Dance Festival, was held on November 18 and 19, 2006 at the Babits Cultural Center in the town of Szekszárd in Tolna County. 14 groups, 512 people participated. This is a juried competition. The grand prize went to the Székesfehérvár Albia Régi Dance Ensemble. For list of other awards, see article in Hungarian. Report by Karácsonyi Zoltán

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Interview with Juhász Erika folk singer, singing teacher in the folk music department of the Nyíregyháza College, director of the Boroka singing group. The Boroka Ensemble won first prize in a wine song competition which culminated with a concert at the Szentendre Village Museum on November 10, 2006. See article in Hungarian for names of all the singers in the group. By K. Tóth László

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Karikás Band from the town of Debrecen celebrated its 25th anniversary with a concert on December 16th, 2006 at the Vojtina Puppet Theatre in Debrecen. Vasvári Annamária of Hungarian Radio interviewed members of the band for a radio program which was aired on January 1, 2007 – on Kossuth Rádió.

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Festival and meeting of traditional wedding leaders – the so-called ’vőfely’ is usually a local personality that acts as master of ceremonies at weddings, leading the chain of events throughout the wedding and reception. Their tasks usually includes reciting traditional wedding verse and telling jokes. 80 traditional wedding leaders were invited from all over the Hungarian language area to attend on November 24 and 25, 2006 in the town of Földes in Hajdú-Bihár County in Eastern Hungary. Ethnographers documented each of the participants. Report by Juhász Erika

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Video series: Hungarian Traditional Costume – 11 short films (each one approx. 30 min) on costume from villages in 5 Hungarian regions. Produced by Konkam Studio and the Muharay Elemer Association with support from the Hungarian Heritage House and the Hungarian National Cultural Fund. These films are shown from time to time on Duna TV. See announcement in Hungarian for contact information and list of films.

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Exhibition: Bartók Béla – the folk music researcher – an exhibition of photos and documents opened at the Hungarian Heritage House on November 9th, 2006. Includes letters, folk music transcriptions, archive photographs, works by Bartók and his colleagues. The exhibition was prepared through support and cooperation of: the Department of Folklore Documentation of the Hungarian Heritage House, Insitiute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Bartók Archive, Hungarian Museum of Ethnography, and the Ministry of Education and Culture. We will publish excerpts from this exhibition in the 2007 issues.

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Magtár– Literary column – this issue: Poetry by Iancu Laura – born in 1978 in Magyarfalu *Ungureni* – a Hungarian village in Moldavia. Presently she lives in Budapest.

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Comments on the renaisance of traditional peasant agriculture in Cuba today by Henics Tamás after his trip to Cuba in November of 2006.

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Book Review – Csoma Gergely: ’Megtalált szavak’ [Words Found] Agroinform Press. Budapest. 2005. In Hungarian. An account of the author’s experiences teaching Hungarian to children in an after– school program in the easternmost Moldavian Hungarian village of Magyarfalu [Ungureni]. Such after-school programs organized in the interest of maintaining the Hungarian mother tongue in these ethnically Hungarian communities, have met with a great deal of fear and suspicion on all levels as a result of years and years of attempts by the Romanain governments to assimilate this group of Hungarians into the Romanian culture. Review by Kóka Rozália

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Szany – Bokréta Folk Dance Ensemble. The folk dance group in the village of Szany in Western Hungary (population 2417) celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2006. This group which performs exclusively the local traditional dances, performed for the first time on August 31, 1931 in Budapest at the ’Gyöngyösbokréta’ *Pearly Bouquet* Festival. Report by Héra Éva

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Basic ingredients, places and tools for preparing food used traditionally by Csángó Hungarians in Moldavia – Part 2. „In Moldavia, like in other traditional communities food served first of all to nourish the body – presentation and taste were [not necessarily priorities]”. „…the WC attendant at the bus station in Bakó/Bacău (RO) – a man from the village of Lészped/Lespezi – was contentedly eating plums with bites of bread. I asked if that was his lunch. Yes, he said, I love it.” Cooking was traditionally done in pots over small open fires in kitchen areas often seperate from the rest of the house. Many, many variations of wood burning stoves are known. Pots and cauldrons, frying pans, simple baking tins were the main cookware. A main staple food of the Moldavian Csángó people is corn meal (polenta, málé, mamaliga, puliszka); bread is a more recent addition to the diet. Mainly they ate vegetables and meats they produced themselves, purchasing only salt, yeast, rice, sugar, dried noodles for soup. An array of edible wild plants were collected seasonally. Religious fasting customs and practices for pig slaughtering are described. By Halász Péter.

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Discussion of movement education, related research and academic conferences as opportunity for increased professional communication. Includes bibliography. By Lévai Péter

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Dialogue on authenticity in traditional dance. By Misi Gábor

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Kiss Ferenc writes about folk music arrangements – part III. After a short discussion on world music, music as business and the huge music business trade fairs, there is discussion with specifi c examples of the way traditional music changes in the dance house scene

By Sue Foy