English Table of Contents 1998/1
Page 3
Summary on the situation of folk music in Hungary written by Kiss Ferenc for the Hungarian Music Council. This is part of a report on the current status of the táncház movement and its supporting institutions and associations, the archives, libraries, music schools and elementary schools where folk music exists as part of the curriculum, teachers training programs, publications, record companies, etc.; with an emphasis on the period since the change in the government.
Page 4
Kóka Rozália writes about another Easter custom of old; that of building alarge swing in a square near the church in town. The boys of the village would take the girls for a swing on Easter afternoon. These swings were built especially for the occasion on the Thursday before Easter, and then were taken apart after the holiday.
Page 5
A conversation with Bodza Klára. The directors of the folk music program at the Nádasdy Kálmán School of the Arts in Budafok talk with Bodza Klára about the recent award which she has recieved for her work teaching folksong over the past 20 years, her teaching methods, the text book which she and ethnomusicologist Paksa Katalin wrote, and the performing group which she directs and founded, Tátika. By Kőrösi Katalin
Page 6
The musicians of Gyimes. A historical account of the dances, dance tradition and musical family dynasties of the Gyimes Valley, a remote area nestled high in the Carpathian mountains on the eastern edge of Transylvania. Legend has it that the musicians from the neighboring region known as „Csík” (Székely villages in the area surrounding Csíkszereda – or in Romanian Miercureaciuc) starting going to Gyimes sometime starting in the late 1800's, bringing their violins and hit cellos (gardon) with them. This article was first published in a yearly journal from the Csíkszereda area and is written by Tankó Gyula, who not only teaches school in Gyimes but is also a native of the area.
Page 8
Kalotaszeg: the discovery of folk art. At Budapest's Ethnographical Museum, there is currently an exhibit of folk art from the area of Transylvania called Kalotaszeg. This exhibit which will be open throughout 1998, presents the extraordinary folk arts of that ethnographic region, while celebrating the role they have had in the „discovery” of the folk arts in Hungary and offering a historical look at how they have been presented in the arts over the years. dr. Hofer Tamás
Page 8
Together, from the cradle to the grave. An account of the customs from confirmantion through the wedding and ways that the people help one another throughout life in Szék (a village in the Mezoség region of Transylvania). Though this particular village is an icon of Budapest's táncház movement, few people know what life in this villagereally means. By Soós János (from Szék)
Page 10
...and the war drags on... Letter to Pálfy Gyula and Vavrinecz András from Szalay Zoltán: Mr. Szalay's reaction to the aforementioned two gentlemen's reaction to an article by Mr. Szalay (on dance music of Magyarpalatka) which appeared in folkMAGazin last year.
Page 12
Information, announcements, táncház-es, clubs, etc.
Page 13
Hungarian Radio's Folk Music Competition The 36 winners of the first round of Hungarian Radio Rt's 1st folk music competion will be broadcast live on April 4th and 5th, 1998. The winners of the final round of the competition will be broadcast live on Hungarian Radio on April 24th. The winners for the first round of the competition were selected from several hundred entries by a jury of professionals in the field (Olsvai Imre, Paksa Katalin, Szvorák Katalin, Sebo Ferenc, Rossa László). See Hungarian announcement for names of the 36 finalists.
Page 14
17th National Dance House Festival & Market
Page 18
Music, dance and handicraft summer camps
Page 24
A conversation with Kiss Ferenc upon celebration of the Budapest recording company, Etnofon's 5th birthday. This prolific company which serves a relatively wide range of Hungarian popular and folk music has recently re-organized themselves with their recording studio under the seperate name of „Za-Ki Hangstúdió". Kiss Feri comments here on everything: Etnofon, his work, his life, his family and his sleeping patterns. By Hollókői Lajos.
Page 25
Jelenlévo Múlt (the present past) Announcing a series of books by Planétás Publications. The series is devoted to Hungarian folk arts including titles on folk music, folk dance, customs and crafts. See the Hungarian for specific titles offered in the series. These books are, of course, in Hungarian
Page 26
A review of the Üsztürü Ensemble's recently released recording
Page 26
Comments on the new recording presenting Szántó Ferenc, fiddler and flute player from the Transylvanian village of Magyarbece. This is the first recording in a new series called, „A Mestereink” (our masters) and has been released through the combined efforts of Fonó Records and Harmónia Bt. The Téka Ensemble and Szántó János (Szántó Ferenc's brother) also play on this recording: thus presenting authentic village musicians accompanied by a revival band from Budapest. This is an example of a situation both common and sought after within the táncház movement, wherein folk musicians from the city search for „informants” who can supply authentic material for their music and then end up playing together with them. K. Tóth László
Page 28
Easter Customs of Andrásfalva Andrásfalva is in the area of northeastern Transylvania called Bukovina. Here is an article telling about traditions from there as they were, probably during the period between the two world wars. It starts with the period of fasting following carnival and goes through Easter Monday. For example on Easter Monday evening, the boys would steal the gates from the girls' yards, then taking them to the edge of town and building a corral for the sheep with them, putting them in a nearby lake or on the roof of the jewish family in town. By Sebestyén Ádám
By Sue Foy

English Table of Contents 1998/2
Page 3
Part II of Kiss Ferenc's summary of the state of the dance house movement and folk music in Hungary. This report co-vers the situation and questions in the areas of folk music recordings, their distribution, pulication and connection with other areas of the arts, representation in the media and the issue of folk music arrangements. Kiss urges for more communication, co-operation between organizations, institutions, schools and companies dealing with Hungarian folk music and the táncház movement. He also cites areas of folk music which he feels need work (syste-mizing gypsy music, solving special problems in transcription of Hungarian folk music, etc) and the need for clarification of popular terminology in the Hungarian language (authentic, village, world, revival, peasant music, etc, etc.).
Page 4
Kalotaszeg – the discovery of Hungarian folk art – exhibit at the Hungarian Ethnographic Museum on display until December 31, 1998. This exhibit celebrates the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the ethnographic museum and folk art from ethnographic area of Transylvania known as, Kalotaszeg. Upon visiting this exhibit one gets an idea not only of the richness of decoration in the folk art from this area, but also the role that this particular area has played in the development of Hungarian ethnographic research, and changes in the folk arts of this area from the 1870's til the present. By Szacsvay Éva
Page 6
Who was Rábai Miklós? An account of Rábai's life and work until the end of the forties. This is the man who became the first director of the Hungarian State Ensemble and held that postiton until his death in the early seventies. Rábai was a man whose endless energy and curiosity for folklore, music and dance led him into the villages in eastern Hungary during this period to learn the dances of the people there. He was able to gather young people together and inspire them through his enthusiasm and guidance. This period in the late forties is when he began choreographing and formed a dance group within the framework of the Hungarian Scouts before he moving to Budapest. Since the táncház movement began, his work has been considered rather dated and out of style. Just as today's choreography reflects current trends in folklore, Rábai's work reflected the trends in folklore of his time. By Vadasi Tibor
Page 9
An interview with Sebestyén Márta about her career and her work with Muzsikás Ensemble which appeared in a Prague publication on the occaision of their performance there in March 1998. The article ends with the following quote from Márta, „I am the kind of flower which only blooms in Hungary. I am glad that I am able to travel the world, I am proud to sing our songs and that with them I can bring pleasure to others, but I could only live in Hungary. I belong here.” Harmonie 1998/1. Hungarian translation by Zachar Ottó
Page 13
Information, news, announcement
Page 13
Announcing the 12th annual Celebration of Folk Arts held in the castle area of Budapest August 20–23, 1998.
Page 16
Planétás publications' announces a new series of books on subjects in Hungarian folklore, folk dance, folk music, traditional folkarts and customs. These books are published in Hungarian.
Page 18
Táncház-es and folk clubs
Page 21
Kaposi Edit: Remembering the first folk dance festival in Gyula, Hungary: 1948 April 11–12. A historical account of this important event in the history of Hungarian folk dance movement.
Page 23
Celebrating Szék On May 23 and 24th, 1998, an event was held in the town of Martonvasar (outside of Budapest); an event celebrating the dance, music and customs of the extraordinary village of Szék (in Transylvania). In this article, Soós János originally from Szék, talks about the event, customs of Szék and the value of preserving tradition.
Page 25
Gázsa: nickname of Papp István, prímás from Transylvania and a key figure in the now 20 year old táncház movement in Transylvania. Gázsa is now also the name of his Budaepst band and a CD released in early 1998. Here is the text which is part of the CD cover notes; the story of his music career in Transylvania and how he came to Budapest where he now lives. By Papp István Gázsa
Page 26
Report on Szerényi Béla's exhibit: „100 Hurdy-gurdies". This exhibit of Szerényi's hand-crafted Hungarian Hurdy-gurdies opened in April 1998 in Budapest, then travelled to France, Germany, Austria and home finally coming back to Hungary in time for the Saint Stevens's day celebration in the castle area of Budapest. By Koncz Balázs
Page 27
Mrs. Faddi István, a teacher in Kiskunhalas, Hungary, writes about Berecz András' recently published book on the people (their stories, wisdom and humour); from whom he has collected his repertoire of songs and tales over the years.
Page 28
Éljen a haza! – (Hurrah for the homeland!) In memory of 1848–49 An exhibit of national Hungarian emblems and symbols and their use in the decoration of folk crafts through the years; was on display at the Hungarian Ethnographic Museum in Budapest from March 20th through August 25th, 1998. By Szabó Zoltán
Page 29
The presence of a star Ifj. Vitányi Iván philosophizes on star personalities and the dance house movement.
Page 29
Ancient history and music research „That the Hungarians lived together with Ujgur peoples, no one wants to deny. But our folk music points beyond the Urals and doesn't indicate a Finnugor origin” – writes Csajághy György.... Szebeni Antal reports on research on the origins of Hungarian folk music.
Page 30
Announcement for New living folk music '99 competition: the next CD in this series sponsored by the Táncház Guild presenting a juried selection of Hungarian folk music not previously released on CD. Deadline for application 1998 October 31.
Page 31
Vásárhelyi László's words at Tóth Ferenc's funeral. Tóth Ferenc of Kalocsa: choreographer, dancer, teacher, artist. „Rest in peace dear brother! The gems of your restless spirit will live forever!".
Page 32
Review of Ghymes Ensemble's (Bratislava) new CD entitled „Rege". Their music can be described as „world music", with a strong basis in Hungarian folk music and poetry.
Page 33
Announcment of a new recording by Téka Ensemble: „Dance of the virgins". (See the record notes for information in English on this interesting though obscure folk custom.)
Page 33
The Legend of Saint Gellért Announcing a new recording by Bokros Band: including members of the Hungarian Hurdy-Gurdy Ensemble, Téka, Vujicsics.
Page 35
"A Diverse Europe: Illusion or Reality” Conference on Traditional Culture of European Minorities Jaszbereny, Hungary. 1998 July 27 – August 2. Recommendations were formulated during the conference citing the importance of appropriate representation of European cultural minorities at decision making congresses and preservation of living folk traditions.
Page 36
Juhász Katalin writes about the the types and variations of songs and tunes with the recurring historical theme of the Hungarian national hero, Kossuth Lajos; the freedom fighter from the middle of the 19th century.
By Sue Foy

English Table of Contents 1998/3
Page 4
An interview with Juhász Zoltán – musician, ethnographer, electrical en gineer, father of five children, who has recently writ ten a book on Pál István, an elderly shep herd bagpipe player from northern Hungary. By Kormos Valéria.
Page 5
Nagy Gábor writes about a Christ mas custom of Palóc – an area in north ern Hungary – where in the shepherd of the community went from house to house on the 24th of De cem ber to wish every family well.
Page 7
Part III. of Kiss Ferenc's report on the current status of folk music in Hungary.
Page 9
Pesovár Ernő speaks on the 90th anniversary of the birth of the great Hungarian dancer and choreographer, Molnár István.
Page 10
The 1998 Woodcarvers National Conference was held from October 9–11 in Szombathely and Velem, Hungary. Next year's conference will be in Gébárt in Zala County. Report by dr. Bánszky Pál
Page 11
Article on dance culture during the Hungari an periods of enlightenment and reform until 1848 and its influence on Hungarian folklore. By Novák Ferenc.
Page 13
The Kalamajka Ensemble celebrated its 20th birthday on December 5th, 1998. A few words about the history, mem bers of the band, guest artists and colleagues through out the years and their táncház on Molnár utca in Budapest. By Nagymarosy András
Page 15
Verbunk as historical tradition and living tradi tion.... Pesovár Ernő's opening words at the verbunk festival in Gyula, Hungary on June 28th, 1998.
Page 16
An article which appeared in the Magyar Nemzet (1998 October 17) about director of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, Sebő Ferenc's plans for the Corvin tér 8: center for research and archive and a national dance the atre. By Devich Márton.
Page 17
In an open letter to Sebő Ferenc, Berán István registers his disagreement with Sebő's voiced im putes for his plans for Corvin tér 8.
Page 19
The Téka Ház, is a (Hungarian) cultural center and foundation located in the town of Szamosújvár (Gherla) in the Mezőség region of Transylvania in Romania.
Page 20
Announcing documentation collection for Táncház Archive in Budapest. See Hungarian announcement for addresses and phone numbers. Director: Halmos Béla. Assistant: Juhász Katalin.
Page 21
Announcement of potters' conference on May 2, 1999. Information: dr. Kresz Mária Foundation in Budapest. See Hungarianan nouncement for address and fax/phone number.
Page 21
List of upcoming folk arts exhibitions at Korona Galéria in Nyíregyháza, north eastern Hungary.
Page 22
Szerényi Béla proclaims 1999 as the year of the hurdy-gurdy. See article in Hungarian for his addresses and list of news and events.
Page 24
Táncház-es and folk clubs
Page 26
News about festivals, táncházes, bands and folk dance ensembles in Transylvania. By Záhonyi A.
Page 27
Announcing the 18th annual National Dance House Festival and Crafts Fair, 1999 March 27–28, at the Sports Hall in Budapest.
Page 28
"I'll plow up the main street of Buza....” Császár Attila describes and names the extraordinary people; singers, musicians, dancers, he has met doing field work in the village of Buza (and surround ing area) in the Mezőség region of Transylvania.
Page 30
Between August 2 and 9, 1998, a busload of people from Hungary went to the first folk dance camp in Külsőrekecsin (Fundu Ra caci u ni) a Hungarian village in Romanian Moldavia. Záhonyi András reports.
Page 34
The Forrás Folk Dance Ensemble from Százhalombatta, Hungary was on tour in Argentina and Uruguay from October 22 – November 16, 1999. Travel report by director, Szigetvári József.
Page 35
Agócs Gergely musician and ethnomusicologist from Slovakia writes on rural and urban tradition and musical training. From his lecture given at a conference on tradition in education on October 4, 1996.
Page 38
Kocsán László on the traditional dance, music and folklore of the Jászság people – a report on existing research and the renewed interest in the traditions of this area which has its cultural center in Jászberény 60 km east of Budapest.
Page 40
Based on an article by Derek Schofield, information on the history of folk song collection in England upon the 100 year anniversary of founding the English Folk Dance and Song Society
Page 45
New publications in Hungarian from the Planétás publications series, „Jelenlévő múlt” (the present past or perhaps like the past perfect tense...(S.F.)). „Hungarian music history"; „Spinning, warping, weaving".
Page 48
Juhász Katalin writes about folk songs starring Székely historical hero of the 1848 uprising, Gábor Áron.
By Sue Foy