Articles by Initial Letters
Mátyás és a török basa
Andrásfalvy Bertalan hiánypótló népmesekötete
New Publication: Andrásfalvy Bertalán: Mátyás és a török basa [Mátyás and the Turkish Pasha]. Forty five Hungarian folk tales collected by Andrásfalvy Bertalan from eleven story tellers in nine communities mostly in Hungary’s Tolna County. The collection work was done between 1950 and 1963. The publication includes an audio book. The volume was funded by the Hungarian National Cultural Fund and Petőfi Cultural Agency, with professional support from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Institute of Musicology, Pécs Museum of Ethnography. In Hungarian. Published by Magyar Versmondók Egyesülete, 2021, Budapest.