44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 22
Exhibition: photos by Henics Tamás from 20 years visiting Transylvania’s Kalotaszeg and Mezőség regions. Tamás, a well-known and active figure in dance house circles, has already published three volumes of his photography. 15 years ago he founded the yearly music festival in the village of Mecsér in Northern Hungary. He plays folk viola and was born and grew up in western Hungary’s Őrség region. He also happens to be a succesful medical researcher who lives most of the time in Vienna. His exhibition is at Hagyományok Háza (1011 Budapest, I. Corvin tér 8.) from 2019 Mar 2 to Apr 5, then it moves to the Táncháztalálkozó for April 6-7th.