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Food and Hungarian tradition – old and new roles of traditional wood burning bread baking ovens. An examination of changes in culture around bread baking ovens in the village of Cserépfalu, Borsod County, Hungary. Until the 1960s traditional baking ovens were still in regular use in homes in this village. Since then a variety of social and economic life-style changes caused them to fall out of use and fashion, and people began to forget or never learned how to use wood burning bread baking ovens. For example kitchens there existed with an old bread baking oven, a smaller wood burning stove, a gas stove, and a microwave – all in use. After the political changes of 1990 a renewed interest in peasant foods and lifestyle brought however a shift in use of the old style bread baking oven. Today in Cserépfalu with a population of 1100 there are 11 working bread ovens – some of which were built by Transylvanian oven-building masters, others by their owners. Due to the expense of building a new wood burning oven (about two months wages) and then fueling it, they have become an elite home furnishing for example often connected to barbecue/grill culture of outdoor cooking and presentational hospitality. Includes recipes for: yeasted poppyseed cake, cottage cheese pastry. By Báti Anikó – researcher at the Hungarian Institute of Ethnography.