44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 04

Two new publications from Hungarian Heritage House: DVD of Transylvanian dances collected between 1997–2001, during the Final Hour collection project. This DVD presents video recordings of traditional dancers from 20 different Transylvanian communities with accompanying texts by Varga Sándor, Sztanó Hédi, Galát Péter, Pávai István; it is a bilingual publication (Hungarian/English), edited by Sztanó Hédi. Új Pátria 2019. Horváth Attila – Árendás Péter: Vízmelléki népzene. A book with accompanying DVD of traditional folk tunes collected from fiddler Kozák József from the village of Ádámos/Adămuș in the region of south-central Transylvania known as “Vízmellék”. Focus is on playing style and repertoire – includes the kontra-double bass accompaniment. Part of the Instrumental Folk Music series. 2019.