Articles by Initial Letters
Veress Sándor – A 75. születésnap tiszteletére
Berlász Melinda – „Csak lélekben és gondolatban” – III. rész
Part III. Veress Sándor (1907–1992) – Hungarian composer, folk music researcher, student of Kodály and Bartók. Born in Kolozsvár (now Cluj-Napoca, Romania), Veress Sándor died in Bern, Switzerland. He emigrated from Hungary in 1949. Between 1925 and 1932 he studied under Kodály, then Bartók at the Hungarian Academy of Music in Budapest. As long as he was in Hungary he maintained close contact with Kodály. For more than 40 years Hungary had been cut off from contact with Veress and his work. Printed here are two texts by Veress saluting Kodály Zoltán on his 75th birthday. One text was first published in "Új Látóhatár" an emmigrant’s magazine based in Münich; the other text was heard on Radio Free Europe – both in December of 1957. By music historian Berlász Melinda.