Articles by Initial Letters
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Martin Györgyről halála évfordulóján
It has been 20 years since the death of Martin György, the brilliant Hungarian folk dance researcher and author of more than 150 publications, articles on folk dance. Tributes have been written here by his some of his students, colleagues; people who learned from him, worked with him and respected him greatly. A common theme, alongside of the great quantity of work he achieved, is Martin's amazing human awareness, kindness, capacity for connecting with people and his humbleness. Each person offers their own personal story of meeting and working with Martin, giving those of us not fortunate enough to have known him, a great deal of information on his work and insights into his personality. Felföldi László – director Dance Department, Institute of Musicology, Hungarian Academy of Science ; Karácsony Zoltán – archivist, folk dance researcher. Hungarian Heritage House; Szokéné Károlyi Annamária – archivist, documentalist. Dance Department, Institute of Musiciology at the Hungarian Academy of Science since 1970; Pálfy Gyula – folk dance researcher – Dance Department Institute of Musiciology, Hungarian Academy of Science; Takács András of Pozsony (Bratislava) Slovakia, remembers the fall of 1956 when he got to know Martin and how the time he spent with Martin during those 42 days in Budapest inspired and aff ected the rest of his career. Takács went on to become a key figure in folk dance research in Slovakia, particulary with reference to Hungarian communities there. Over the years, he corresponded with and often worked closely with Martin doing fi eld collection work in Slovakia (i.e „Mátyusföldi népi táncok").