Articles by Initial Letters
Palacsinta - I
Öntött tésztából készült lepényszerű ételek a magyar gasztronómiai hagyományban
The traditional Hungarian kitchen – Palacsinta – Hungarian crepes part 1.
Many forms of Hungarian crepes, pancakes and griddle cakes, both sweet and savory, are covered here – that is: “pancake-like foods made from a poured batter”. Though this is a mainly an unleavened food, variations are described that use leavening. The method of making and uses of wafers are also discussed here. Recipes provided are: the oldest Hungarian crepe, simple old-style wafer, newer style wafers, griddle cakes “cooked on a rock”, “cooked on a leaf”, Hungarian crepe with leavening, standard Hungarian crepe and cottage cheese filling. By Juhász Katalin.