Articles by Initial Letters
Molnár-technika néptáncegyüttesek számára
Beszélgetés a Hagyományok Háza és a Kassa Megye Kulturális Központ közös kiadásában megjelenő könyv kapcsán – Aki kérdez: Busai Norbert, aki válaszol: Ónodi Béla
Molnár Technique – conversation with Ónodi Béla on his upcoming book to be published jointly by Budapest’s Hungarian Heritage House and Slovakia’s Kosice County Cultural Center. Most serious Hungarian folk dancers have at least heard of the Molnár Technique which is apparantly a series of exercises – a method – designed to assist folk dance movement training and strengthen folk dancers. Dancer and choreographer Molnár István (1908–1987) developed this method in the mid 1900s. It has been part of the curriculum at the Hungarian Academy of Dance since 2010 for students in dance education and performance. In 2002 when Ónodi Béla left active folk dance performance he decided to keep in shape using the technique – now an expert on the technique, he teaches it at the Hungarian Academy of Dance and gives workshops. The upcoming publication is aimed for use by both folk dancers and classical dancers. With Ónodi Béla, co-author of the volume is dancer, dance educator, choreographer Libuša Čižmárik Bachratá based in Bratislava, Slovakia. By Busai Norbert.