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XLI. Országos Táncháztalálkozó és Kirakodóvásár
National Dance House Festival and Market – Táncháztalálkozó 2022! A short review of this year’s festival held at Budapest’s Sport Arena the first weekend in April. Everyone was glad to finally be able to meet for this massive showcase of traditional Hungarian folk dance and music and to celebrate the dance house movement’s 50th anniversary. Especially on Saturday, the huge space was filled just like it was before the pandemic. As always the variety and number events offered during the day is overwhelming. Everyone was included - from old faces that initiated the movement, respected experts in the field, to the little children and the parents that bring them to learn. As Kallós Zoltán always said, „We as Hungarians shall survive as long we dance and sing [together] in Hungarian…”. By Henics Tamás