Articles by Initial Letters
Küldetésben – Jakab Éva
On the Path of History – Kóka Rozália’s series. Jakab Éva – singer, school teacher, chorus leader from Tolna County, Hungary. Jakab Éva was born in 1960 in the town of Bonyhád. All of her relatives are Bukovina Székely people hailing mainly from the Bukovina village of Andrásfalva/Măneuți. As a child Éva spent summers with her grandmother in the village of Aparhant (Tolna County, Hungary) doing the customary farm chores of a Székely Bukovina family. When the time came, her family permitted her to continue her education, so she went to secondary school and then to teachers training school. This is the story of her life’s path as a teacher who was also a good singer and chorus leader. She led choruses in many different communities in Tolna County (Kölesd, Kéty, Kisdorog, Aparhant, Kakasd, Nagymányok, Tevel). She was encouraged to discover the songs of her Bukovinan heritage. When her chorus had a successful performance at a Bukovina Festival in Hungary, they went on to perform at festivals in Transylvania and in Transylvanian villages where Bukovina Székely people had once lived.