44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
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Táncház in the Hungarian diaspora – Vienna. This is a report on two events that took place in Vienna in late 2022. One event was the 23rd Hungarian Dance House festival in Vienna. The festival was organized by Napraforgók Folk Dance Ensemble. In Tarcsai Helga’s words: "…it is important for Hungarians living in the diaspora to stick together and participate in community events… tradition can be learned through dance; through song one can hone their language skills …” At the festival Napraforgók Ensemble performed a choreography of dances from Transylvania’s Gyimes region, Csík János and his friends gave a concert, and the folk dance tradition preserving group from the village of Szány in Western Hungary also performed. Also at the end of 2022 was a gala performance and celebration of the 75th anniversary of Vienna’s Délibáb Cultural Association. Participating in the gala performance were: Délibáb Dance Group, the Szivárvány Children’s group, Rézsarkantyú Zither band, Barka Folk Song Circle, Bozot Dance Ensemble (from Kiscsősz, Hungary), and Sopron’s Rekettye Dance Ensemble with Fajkusz Banda. Report by Henics Tamás.