Articles by Initial Letters
„A Banda”
Ketten a Háromszék Táncegyüttes előadásáról
"A Banda” [The Band] is the name of a folk dance performance by the Háromszék Folk Dance Ensemble and Heveder Band of Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania. The piece - written by Könczei Árpád and Könczei Csongor, directed and choreographed by Könczei Árpád - portrays a wedding, the now legendary bands and traditional dance culture of the Mezőség village of Magyarpalatka/Pălatca in Transylvania. “A Banda” was first performed in 2013; it was redone in 2017. In February 2020 the Ensemble takes it on tour in Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria. Review by Redő Júlia.
Háromszék Folk Dance Ensemble and Heveder Band from Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania performed their dance and music piece entitled “Banda” in Vienna’s MuTh Theatre on February 20th 2020. The piece choreographed by Könczei Árpád presents the traditional music and dance culture of the Transylvanian village of Magyarpalatka/Pălatca. The Vienna performance was organized by Piroska Ferenc of the Transylvanian Hungarians in Austria Association, and Kilyénfalvi Gábor of Vienna’s Délibab Dance Ensemble. "…Fluff free….today’s stage performance was contemporary though unquestionably tradition-based and to our greatest pleasure it beautifully fulfilled its stated mission...” Report by Henics Tamás.
Háromszék Folk Dance Ensemble and Heveder Band from Sepsiszentgyörgy/Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania performed their dance and music piece entitled “Banda” in Vienna’s MuTh Theatre on February 20th 2020. The piece choreographed by Könczei Árpád presents the traditional music and dance culture of the Transylvanian village of Magyarpalatka/Pălatca. The Vienna performance was organized by Piroska Ferenc of the Transylvanian Hungarians in Austria Association, and Kilyénfalvi Gábor of Vienna’s Délibab Dance Ensemble. "…Fluff free….today’s stage performance was contemporary though unquestionably tradition-based and to our greatest pleasure it beautifully fulfilled its stated mission...” Report by Henics Tamás.