Articles by Initial Letters
Keleti népzenei kutatások – I. rész
Part I. Research on Eastern Folk Music: history of research A review of the reasons for and previous collection work done on folk music amongst Turkik and Finnougrik peoples from Mongolia and the Volga River to Anatolia in Turkey. Hungarians have done collection and analysis of traditional music from these areas mainly in search of the roots of Hungarian music. Bartók did important collection work in Turkey in 1936 before he emmigrated to the USA in 1940. Other Hungarians who have contributed to work in this area from 1956 to the present are Vikár László, Bereczki Gábor, Szabolcsi Bence, Vargyas Lajos, Dobzsay László, Szendrei Janka and the author of this study, Sipos János (musicologist and researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Article includes bibliography.