Articles by Initial Letters
„Hatalmas szeretettel fordultam a népem felé”
Beszélgetés a Magyar Örökség-díjas Kóka Rozáliával
Interview with Kóka Rozália – recent recipient of the Hungarian Heritage Award. A frequent contributor to FolkMagazin, Kóka Rózália is the daughter of Bukovina Székely father and Bácska Hungarian mother. When she was in high school she met ethnographer Andrásfalvy Bertalan who ignited her relentless, life-long quest of collecting the tales, songs and folklore of the Bukovina Székely people. She founded a chorus in the Bukovina Székely community in the town of Érd in 1971. She is also recognized for her collection work amongst the Csángó Hungarians. Interview by Sándor Ildikó