Articles by Initial Letters
„Folyamatos emlékezet”
Beszélgetés Novák Ferenccel Korniss Péter életműkiállítása kapcsán
Conversation with choreographer Novák Ferenc about "Continuing Memories" [Folyamatos emlékezet] photographer Korniss Péter’s recent exhibition celebrating the photographer’s 80th birthday and life work. Novák places Korniss’s work in parallel with the work of Bartók, Kodály, Illyés Gyula, Martin György, Kallós Zoltán and more – Hungarian artists that became researchers through their interest and work with folk arts. "...Korniss’s work is fine art. He doesn’t simply document...." The exhibition was shown at the Hungarian National Gallery from September 2017 through February 2018 and will travel this year to Bucharest, Prague, Bratislava and Rome. By P. Vas János.