44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 31
Discussion on preserving Hungarian tradition: During a festival organized on the occaision of the 10th birthday of the Etnofon record label – a group of people who work in this field were invited to participate in a professional theoretical discourse. Pavai: „...In its original environment [tradition] wasn't preserved, it lived. The peasants had no goal of protecting their traditions...; this is an intellectual endeavor...” Printed here are notes from the discussion which indicate: there are varying opinions on just what is the best way to preserve tradition, there is a conscious eff ort to do so and that several types of Hungarian institutions are involved in this activity. Themes discussed were: what the process of globalization will do to folklore, the role of the dance house city revival movement, various Hungarian archives, the merits of the institution newly reorganized in 2001, now called the Hungarian Heritage House: previously two organizations: Hungarian State Folk Ensemble and [Hungarian] Institute of Culture, with the addition of an archive housing Martin György's library and other renowned collections. Opinions were voiced by: Pávai, I.; Kiss, F.; Diószegi, L.; Berán, I.; Fekete, M. ; Éri, P.; P. Vas, J.; Lelkes, L.; Halmos, B.; Fügedi J.