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Timár Sándor „Mesti”
Interview with Timár Sándor Timár was born in 1930 on a farm in the Hungarian plain near the town of Szolnok. When he went into Szolnok to attend secondary school, he became a member of the Regös Cserkész group – a sort of scouts group „involved in learning dance, among other things". In that group he met Molnár István – the great dancer, teacher – who was a great inspiration to so many of Timár's generation. In this interview we hear about the SZOT Ensemble, Bartók Ensemble, Budapest Ensemble, Hungarian State Folk Dance Ensemble, Csillagszemű Dance Ensemble, the Molnár technique, Timár's teaching technique, choreography, peers and colleagues and more. Interviewer: Paluch Norbert