44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 26
Dr. Büki Béla (1931-2015?) was classmate and good friend of Martin - from mid 1940s throughout secondary school. First they were both intensely interested in the Native Americans. They came in contact with ethnography and folk dance in the boyscouts. They both became passionate about dancing and were excellent dancers learning from Molnár István in the Csokanai and Ruggyantagyár Ensembles. Martin continued dancing; becoming a professional folk dancer in 1950. "He was a fantastic dancer." Their paths parted when Büki went on to study medicine (and become a doctor). Martin continued with folk dance and ethnography. Writing a paper together in secondary school, Büki "realized how persistent and precise [Martin] was; he already knew how to research, make notes and organize to write a paper."