Articles by Initial Letters
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City Baroque – Paths and detours in the art of Hungarian folk dance. After a short course in the history and development of the Hungarian folk dance movement starting in the 1930’s, it turns out that this is a scathing review of a new piece in the repertoire of the Hungarian State Folk Dance Ensemble: ’Labyrinth’ – Part two of their Bartók Trilogy. The review particularly criticizes the main choreographer of the piece: Kovács Gerzson Péter – who is also an active artist in Hungarian alternative contemporary dance. „....this piece has no relation, either in form or content, to the folk art that Bartók was immersed in and which he lifted across to art. In Kovács’ work the name Bartók is merely a point of reference, nothing more than a useful false signpost...” While Sáry László’s music was praised, the way it is used in this piece was not – and so on. Review by Diószegi László – first published in Magyar Nemzet Magazin 2008 Nov. 29.