Articles by Initial Letters
Variációk a pálinkára
Traditional Hungarian Cuisine: Variations on pálinka. More on pálinka – Hungary’s beloved firewater – continued from the previous issue (2017/5). The term "kisüsti" (literally: small cauldron) refers only to pálinkas made from real grape skins or real fruit in a maximum quantity of 1000 liters, distilled twice using copper cooking equipment. "There are good pálinkas and not as successful pálinkas. The latter can be improved by another distillation, barrel ageing, ageing with a ’bed’ of fruit in the container, or made into liqueur." More information is provided on kinds of wooden barrels, and preparation of liqueurs from myrtle (huckle?) berries, sour cherries, rose petals, juniper berries, sage, honey and walnut, lemon balm, onion; and their medicinal uses. By Juhász Katalin.