44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 14
The last issue of folkMAGazin published criticism by Karácsony Zoltán (researcher at Folk Dance and Folk Music Department of the Hungarian Institute of Musicology) on the 20th International Legényes Competition and International Couple Dance Competition held in Budapest in April, 2017. Zoltán’s commentary centered on technical issues with the exact choice of compulsory legényes material danced by competitors in competition. For such competitions, clips from archive material of the dancing of a selected traditional dancer (in this case Kalló Ferenc Sr. of Inaktelke / Inucu in Transylvania’s Kalotaszeg region) is chosen, then distributed to competitors. Karácsony Zoltán was a member of the jury at the competition. This issue publishes response by Sánta Gergő – main organizer of the event, professional solo folk dancer, and director of the Bartók Ensemble. Professional and logistical aspects involved in holding these competitions, and respect for the dance material, are issues argued.