Articles by Initial Letters
Új „nomád nemzedék”, a magyar alternatíva
Beszélgetés Tóth Jánossal, a Hagyományok Háza Hálózat vezetőjével
Conversation with Tóth János director of the Hungarian Heritage House network project. As a national institution involved in the task of passing on folk traditions, in 2017 Budapest’s Hungarian Heritage House began to organize a network of related institutions with the same goals – in other parts of Hungary and in Hungarian communities outside of Hungary’s borders. Project director Tóth János discusses experiences setting up the branch institutions and perspectives for them in Hungary, and outside of Hungary in Transcarpathia, Transylvania, Voivodina, and Slovakia. „The network was initiated first of all on the basis of expressed community need.” Tóth oversees a department of eleven people involved in implementing and maintaining the project. Interview by Csinta Samu.