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A Magyar Állami Népi Együttes elismerése
This year the Hungarian Heritage Award was given to the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, Téka Ensemble and Sebő Ferenc at a ceremony in Budapest on June 24 and September 23, 2023. Printed in this issue of folkMAGazin are laudations given at the ceremony for these three recipients. Sebő Ferenc has been a performing musician, folk music researcher/collector, teacher since the late 1960s. He was one of the instigators and leaders of the dance house house movement. He also holds the national Kossuth Prize. His music, knowledge, creativity, publications and recordings have inspired many generations. Laudation by his student and colleague Bolya Mátyás. The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble was founded in 1951 as a professional state supported folk performing group and has been going strong ever since. Over the years their choreography and performance style has changed with folk performance trends and the times. Today the group is directed by Mihályi Gábor and Pál István „Szalonna”. Laudation by Kiss János – dancer. Téka Ensemble has been going continuously since 1976. They still do concerts and teach. Their many activities have included founding a summer folk camp and release of 27 recordings. Their Budapest dance houses were famous weekly events that drew hundreds of young people. An urban tánchaz band, they travelled to the countryside to learn directly from the master traditional musicians. Laudation by Eredics Gábor – folk musician.