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Timár Sándor első gyűjtőútja a magyarországi román nemzetiségi településeken
Timár Sándor’s first collection trip to Romanian communities in Hungary in 1954 July 17–27. A description of his dance ethnography collection work done during that 10 day period. He visited 13 villages along the Hungarian-Romanian border collecting information about Romanian folk tradition, names of the dances, who could dance them, origin of the dances and the dance’s role. Most of the reports he made mention need to return for recording music and film documention of the dances. Later that year he returned to Méhkerék, Elek, and Magyarcsanád to film the dances, etc. The location of documentation in the archives from these collection trips is provided. This information highlights another side of Timár’s work: field collection work on traditional dance, whereas he is very well known as an artistic director of folk dance ensembles, choreographer, and for his method for teaching Hungarian folk dance. Report by Timár Sándor’s son, Timár Mihály.