Articles by Initial Letters
Táncírás-szimpóziumok Magyarországon
Dance notation symposiums in Hungary. In 2008 two symposiums on dance notation were held at the Institute of Musicology in Budapest: one in June sponsored by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and one in November sponsored by the Hungarian Academy of Dance (soon to have university status). Both of the symposiums were held comemmorating the 80th anniversary of the introduction of kinetography (at a dance congress in Germany), along with the 50th anniversary of the death of Rudolf Lábán, the Hungarian who formulated the system. Individuals active in dance notation in Hungary were the participants and presenters at the symposiums. Methods of teaching dance notation to dance students and children, a computer program for writing notation and an internet database including dance notation were mentioned here. The opportunity for communication in the field inspired the participants to organize more such symposiums in the future. Dance notation has been taught in Hungary since the 1940’s. Report by Fügedi János.