Articles by Initial Letters
Szilágysági népzene
Kanalas Imre dallamai
New publication: Csernók Klára – Árendás Péter: „Szilágysági népzene. Kanalas Imre dallamai” [Folk Music of Transylvania’s Szilágyság Region. Melodies played by Kanalas Imre] Hagyományok Háza. Budapest 2021. This volume presents tunes played by lead fiddler Kanalas Imre (1934–2018) from the village of Selymesilosva/Ilișua in the Tövishát district of the Szilágyság Region. It contains 59 traditional melodies known locally as: figurázó, verbunk (men’s dances), asztali nóta (table songs) and csárdás, ugrálós (couple dances) – that were documented in 1995 and 1996. The book intended for teaching/learning, also presents viola and double bass accompaniment. Includes sound and video material.