Articles by Initial Letters
Szent István tiszteletére, Halmos Béla emlékére
Series of Gregorian and folk song masses and religious events dedicated to the memory of Halmos Béla (1946-2013). The events were held in 2017 on May 30th (St.Stephen’s Basilica, Budapest), August 14th (Basilica in Székesfehérvár) and August 20th (at the grave of Saint Stephen). The series was organized by Hungarian Heritage House, Folk and Religious Music Departments of the Liszt Academy of Music, the Gregorian Singing School of Budapest’s Saint Stephen's Basilika. More than 3000 people attended. Amongst participating groups were: Szent
Angéla School’s Budai Ferences Singing School; Biatorbágy Singing School; Búzaszem (Göd), Ward Mária Gimnázium, Újbuda Babszem and Cédrus dance ensembles; Hévízgyörk Women’s
Chorus; pilgrimage groups from Dunaföldvár, Bölcske and Angyalföld; Friends of Hungarian Heritage House. Report by Juhász Katalin.