44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 03
Novák Ferenc’ (choreographer, long-time director of the Honvéd Ensemble) account of his fi rst trip to Szék (Sic, Transylvania, Romania) in 1958 to do field collection work on the dance there. Novák went to Szék upon the recommendation of dance researcher Martin György because no research on dance had yet been done there. At that time there was no public transportation to Szék at all, one had to walk in, more than 10km. This account was first published in 1960 in the June issue of Néptáncos. Novák wrote his thesis in university on the dances of Szék [’The societal role of dance in Szék’] which has since been published by Planétás Press as a chapter in the book entitled ’A széki hangszeres népzene’ [’Instrumental Folk Music in the Village Szék’].