44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
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1717 – The last Tartar invasion of Hungary: in August 1717 the Turkish Sultan ordered the Tartar army to invade Hungary from Moldavia. During the invasion the Tartars burned more than 200 villages, killed thousands of people, robbed, pillaged, took hundreds of hostages, caused panic and fear in Transylvania, Maramures and Northeastern Hungary. For example on August 24th the Tartars completely destroyed the village and killed three quarters of the population of Szék/Sic – famous at the time for its salt mine in Transylvania’s Mezőség region. However, due to the heroism of peasant and “kuruc” troops, the mountain guards and regional armies, within a few months the Tatars were defeated and driven out. By Nagy Ádám from October 31, 2015 at: magyar-historia.blogspot.hu. The memory of the last Tatar invasion of 1717 is preserved in folk song, folk tales, folk literature: printed here are Szász Rozália’s story A “Fekete város” [The Black City] and Kovács István’s “Széki ének” [Song of Szék] – in memory of the last Tartar invasion.