Articles by Initial Letters
Széki babonák és hiedelmek
Superstition, folk belief and ghosts in Szék [Sic], Transylvania. Two tales of ghosts as told by Kocsis Rózsi in 1996, 1997. A story of a girl on the way home from a spinning party in the rain on a night of the week when it was not customary for the young men to come to the spinning parties or walk the girls home. She had to pass by the graveyard on her way, where she met two young men who walked her the rest of the way home. When she got home, her father told her he had heard that ghosts had been roaming near the graveyard. The other is a tragic story well-known in Szék: Mányi’s husband died leaving her with four little children. Mányi spoke to the ghost of her husband every night and soon died as well.