Articles by Initial Letters
Részletek Kiss Ferenc irodalomtörténész Naplójából
Excerpts from literary historian Kiss Ferenc’ journal. The first excerpt is from the spring 1975, when Kiss organized a trip to Transylvania for his poet friends: Kormos István, Nagy László and Zelnik József. Then a selection from late 1978 tells about the night Kiss Ferenc and Csoóri Sándor took poet and novelist Illyés Gyula and his wife to a dance house at „FMH” in Budapest. Kiss Ferenc here is father of the composer and musician Kiss Ferenc who often writes for folkMAGazin. The Csoóri Sándor mentioned refers to the elder Csoóri, a poet, father of the folk musician Csoóri Sándor who was a founding member of Muzsikás Ensemble, etc, and who is in turn, father of a younger Csoóri Sándor who plays with Buda Folk Band...