Articles by Initial Letters
Prímásegyéniségek: Potta Géza – Abaújszina
Varsányi Ildikó kottás kiadványa a Pentaton o. z. gondozásában (2021)
New Publication: Varsányi Ildikó: Prímás Egyéniségek: [Traditional Lead Fiddlers] Potta Géza, Abaújszina. Pentaton o.z. 2021. Potta Géza (1935–2007 Abaújszina/Seňa, Slovakia) was a traditional fiddler from a village in Southeastern Slovakia near the city of Kassa/Kosice. He learned to play from family members and began playing in their band at an early age. He did not read music. He and his band served the traditional music needs of several villages in his area. He was also hired sometimes to play in other areas of Slovakia including in Bratislava and became well-known in the Hungarian Dance House Movement. Recordings of his music exist in the folk music archives and on at least one CD. This publication contains written music for tunes from his repertoire selected and transcribed by Varsányi Ildikó. Printed here is her introduction to the volume and a short description by Ethnomusicologist Agócs Gergely.