Articles by Initial Letters
Pétër László székely „panoptikuma” – VI.
Válogatás Pétër László: Kërësztapám nadrágja című kötetéből (Vajdasági Magyar Művelődési Intézet, Zenta, 2011.)
The skewed picture of Hungarians – reasons for historical tragedies and current problems. Part 2. This study examines and argues statements such as: The arrival of the Hungarian tribes to the Carpathian Basin put an end to the spread of the flourishing Slavic religions; The Hungarians massacred everyone that came into their path, then moved into their places. Was this really how it happened?; Even in 1996 certain Slavic neighbors referred to the Hungarians as ’thieving nomads’. This is a lecture given in 2006 by retired ethnographer, university professor, politician Andrásfalvy Bertalan (born 1931 Sopron, Hungary). Transcribed by Henics Tamás.