Articles by Initial Letters
Pesovár Ernő: Életem és a tánc
Pálfy Gyula életútinterjúja Pesovár Ernővel
New Publication – a privately released volume on the life and work of Hungarian ethnographer and folk dance researcher Pesovár Ernő (1926–2008). Edited by Felföldi László, with Szőkené Károlyi Annamária, Pesovárné Jámbor Márta, Pesovár Zsófia, Horváth János. An interview with Pesovár Ernő conducted in May of 1995 forms the main body of this volume. The interviewer was Pálfy Gyula of the Folk Dance Research Department of the Hungarian Institute of Musicology. Also includes nearly 50 pages of photographs and an explanatory section for people and places mentioned in the interview. Pesovár Ernő’s work focused mainly on Western Hungary. Published by the Western Hungary Folk Dance Association, Körmend, Hungary 2023.