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Hungarian Museum of Folk Crafts 2018 January 19 – March 14: Exhibition of weavings and handwork by three generations of women from one family of Bukovina Székely Hungarians: Mrs. Lőrincz Aladár, her daughter Lőrincz Etel and granddaughter Kontár Veronika. Mrs. Lőrincz Aladár was 9 years old when her family left Bukovina, she learned to weave at home from her own family members. Her father was a loom-maker, her husband also made looms; but she also completed the course for decorative arts and won numerous local and national awards recognizing her work. She was given the title: ’Traditonal Master of Folk Arts’. Both she and her daughter have taught weaving in their area. The 3rd generation continues the family tradition. Printed here is Beszprémy Katalin’s speech opening the exhibition at 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 6.