44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 30
Review of a recording from 1996 on the ’A Bt’ label: Ökrös Ensemble’s "Kalotaszegi mulató énekek” – the blues at dawn. This review was done fulfulling an assignment for a course on ’knowledge of repertoire’ taught by Árendás Péter at the Liszt Academy of Music’s Department of Folk Music. After commentary on making a recording nowadays as compared with ’back then’ in 1996, the author emphasizes the point that this recording was NOT made for listening on the go via the various mobile technologies (he tried that first). One should take time out from ’hurried modern life’ to sit and have a proper listen. He asks the question: "IS a record this slow-moving, where ’hardly anything happens’ – necessary in this day and age?" Answering his own question: "Most definitely!" Rather than offering a more scientific analysis on how a certain melody is ornamented, what chords and keys are used in accompaniment and so on – this young musician offers his own emotional reactions to an extraordinary recording. By Szilágyi Szabolcs – viola player with Sarjú Banda.