44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 39
Proper conduct for women in traditional life of the Carpathian Basin. Examples are taken from traditional communities all over the Hungarian language area. In general the discussion applies to peasant culture in the past, before the disintegration of traditional life. Many of the rules stated are supported with example sayings from embroidered wall-hangings, texts of songs, tales, ballads. Rules for women’s behavior were more strict than for men’s. A good woman: didn’t gossip, didn’t talk much, served her guests, let the man go first, didn’t laugh loudly, didn’t argue with or say no to her husband…her place was in the home. Before WW II women had a secondary role in society. Rules varied for little girls, unmarried young women, married women, older women. By Werschitz Annamária.