Articles by Initial Letters
Németh Kálmán és a bukovinai székelyek
Dr. Németh Kálman was priest of the Roman Catholic church in Józseffalva, Bukovina from 1932 until 1940. He was a key force in helping the people of the five Hungarian Székely villages of Bukovina to escape bad conditions getting worse as a result of the Second World War. The Szekely Hungarians were able to leave Bukovina to resettle in Hungary in 1941. As a result of the chaos of the war, dr. Németh had to leave Hungary in 1947. He spent the rest of his life in Western Pennsylvania where he died in 1966. On September 24, 2005 his remains were brought back to Hungary and placed in the cemetery in Bátaszek. Article by Kóka Rozália