Articles by Initial Letters
Moldvai csángó dudások I. rész
Part I – Moldavian Csángó bagpipe players. Dr. Stuber György has been going to the Hungarian villages of Romanian Moldavia since the early 1970's collecting information on bagpipes – an instrument that is very nearly extinct in that area. Over the years he has amassed an enormous amount of information on the musicians, their instrument, the repertoire – some of which he shares with us here. In this article dr. Stuber György also discusses at some length his complaints against Tobak Ferenc a Hungarian bagpipe player and maker who presently resides in California. Stuber's charges against Tobak include plagerism (misuse of Stuber's manuscript), poor handling of informant rapport (paying off informants so that they won't allow others to make documentary recordings of them), and more. (There must be a more graceful way of sharing field work results amongst colleagues. SF)