Articles by Initial Letters
Miért nem énekelt Nyisztor Bertalanné Kodály Zoltánnak?
Mrs Nyisztor Bertalan, János Rozália was born in 1897 in the village of Székelykeve/Skorenovac today in Serbia’s South Banat District (Voivodina). She died in 1991 in Majos (Bonyhád), in Hungary’s Tolna County. Of Bukovina Székely origin, she was locally known as an excellent traditional singer. Sometime in the 1950s when Kodály Zoltán went to ask her if she would sing for him, she sent him away, exhausted and afraid he was just another communist that had come to confiscate the little food they had left… finally in 1983 she was named Master of Folk Arts, and in 1988 sang on a recording edited by Sebő Ferenc called: Bukovinai Székelyek Magyarországon. By Kóka Rozália.