44th National Táncház Festival & Fair • 4–6 April 2025
  Hungarian (Magyar)  English (United Kingdom)
Initpage: 09
"The Fonó” opened its doors in 1995 and has since then become one of Budapest’s most well-known venues for traditional music. Fonó Records is the related record label they established (locally at least – famous for releasing the „Final Hour” series on traditional Transylvanian village musicians and countless Hungarian folk and jazz recordings). The problem is that the Fonó finds itself on the brink of bankruptcy with many, many debts and unpaid bills. They would need 25 million forints to pull themselves out of the mess. There had been hope that ongoing support funding would be forthcoming from the State. In June, the Fonó recieved 14 million forints in emergency support funds from National Cultural Heritage Ministry and the Pro Cultura Urbis foundation. The questions are: Will the Fonó be able to pull itself out of the financial mess and continue its activities or not? Is there any hope that ongoing support funding will come through? Articles by K. Tóth László and Kiss Eszter Veronika (which was printed in Magyar  Nemzet 2003 June 14.)